Generation 3: Chapter 1





Considering the fact that I lived alone, waking up to the smell of breakfast being prepared wasn’t a good sign of anything.


I scrambled out of bed, attempting to discover who I came home with the night before… Not Monica…She’s out of town. Not Cleo…She’s got the flu…Not-

“RJ! Are you awake sleepy-head?” A voice called from downstairs.


Why the hell was she still here? Most girls have enough sense to know to crawl out of bed at about seven in the morning, and gather their clothes quietly. Even I had enough sense to know to do that when I end up going back to the girl’s place.

Jessica had been fun in the beginning, always there when I  was free, but soon began to grow rather clingy. She was like plastic wrap, the more you try to get it off of you, the harder it becomes to remove.


“Dammit,” I muttered as I walked down the stairs. I just prayed she wouldn’t be holding a knife when I told her to go home. I got down the stairs, and saw Jessica standing in intense concentration over the stove. She must’ve heard me, because she turned around quickly, a large grin on her face.


“RJ!” She said, and ran towards me before jumping into my arms and giving me large kiss. I flinched and attempted to push her away, though her grip just got tighter. “I had such a great time last night, babe!”

I finally managed to push her off as she said these words, though her grin never faltered. “I did too.”


“So, I was wondering what time you got off work today, because I was thinking that we could meet up again tonight, and you know, talk about us.”


Nope. That it was. ” Jessica, there is no ‘us’.”

Now, her smile fell, and her eyes narrowed. ” What? RJ, you don’t mean that.”

“I thought you understood that I wasn’t looking for a relationship. I was just looking for someone spend the night with.”

Jessica bit her lip, and her face contorted into one of anger. “But I thought-”


“You thought wrong.”


“Screw you RJ de Marco! Screw you!” Jessica said, running up the stairs to gather her clothing from my bedroom floor.

“You already did,” I yelled up to her. Suddenly, the smell of something burning overwhelmed, and I looked over to see a thick, black smoke coming from the oven.


“Shoot,” I cursed, and ran towards the stove. I grabbed a hot pad, and opened the oven door, a cloud of smoke appearing when I did, and pulled out the burnt, black lumps of whatever the hell Jessica had been cooking.

I threw the hot pan in the sink, and listened to it sizzle as I ran water over it. I ran a hand through my hair, a habit I had picked up from my dad. I heard the sound of a door slamming, alerting me that Jessica had left.

I grabbed some toast and made my way upstairs to get ready for work.



I sat in my office, typing up reports on patients on my computer. The door was pushed open slowly, and in walked one the nurses. She winked at me, and tried to make herself look as sexy as possible in scrubs, though really she just made herself look constipated.


“Good morning RJ. Jacob Chandler is here,” She said, placing a large file on my desk.

“Great, thanks Ella.” I said, throwing her a wink in return. She blushed and quickly made her way out of my office. I smirked, and grabbed Jacob’s file, and got up from my desk.


He was already in the exam room when I arrived, swinging his legs back and forth in a chair beside the exam table. I didn’t make him sit on it often considering he didn’t like it. “Hey Jake.”

He looked up when he heard me, and a large grin quickly appeared on his face. “Hey RJ.”


I looked around the room, realizing that we were alone. “Where’s your dad?”


“So who are you here with?”

“My sister. She should be here-Hey Jane!” Jake said behind me. I turned around to see a girl around my age with the same deep red hair that Jake had.


“Jake, where’s your doctor? He should be here right now,” She asked, annoyed.

I held up a finger and smiled at the girl, Jane. “That would be me. RJ de Marco at your service.”


Jane looked at me slowly, and her eyes seem to bogle for a second before she smiled slightly and nodded her head. I nodded mine, and turned back towards Jake, who had his eyebrows raised and was nodding his head as if to say ‘yeah, I know’.

“So, how’s your breathing been?” I asked, putting on my stethoscope.

“It’s gotten better. I haven’t had to use my inhalers as much this month.”

“That’s good,” I said, genuinely pleased. “Now, deep breaths for more buddy.”


Jake began to breath deeply as I put my stethoscope against his chest. He flinched when the cold metal touched his skin, but then regained his deep breathing.


“Okay,” I said after I was done, taking off my stethoscope in the process. “Well, your breathing sounds a little better than last time. It’s as close to normal as I’ve heard, so that’s good.”


“Good enough for me to play baseball?” Jake asked, his eyes wide and hoping. I frowned, and could feel my own face drop.

“Sorry Buddy, I can’t clear you for that. Your breathing’s just not strong or consistent enough.” Jake’s face dropped, and he cast his eyes downward to the floor. I turned toward his sister, and saw that her own face was downcast.

“I really wish I could, though. Maybe next year?” I asked, ruffling his hair.

“Yeah, maybe,” Jake said as he jumped from the exam table. “When’s my next check-up?”


“Next month exactly. Cheer up, kid. You’ll get better, I promise. I never played sports when I was younger, and look at me now.” I said, pointing to myself as though I was God’s gift to the world.

Jake laughed and rolled his eyes. “A smart ass?”

Jane gasped, and I feigned an aghast expression. “How do you know such foul language?”


“I’m ten, not stupid.”

“Jake,” Jane said quietly in a warning tone. I waved a hand, signaling that it was fine. Really, Jake was like the little brother I never had.

“Well then, wise-ten-year-old, here,” I said taking out a few dollars from the wallet I kept in my coat pocket. “Take this and go buy you and your sister some ice cream or something.”

“Thanks RJ.”

“I’m sorry, Dr. de Marco, we couldn’t accept-”

“Jane,” Jake said, looking at his sister with look in his eye. “Never refuse money.”

“The kid’s right,” I said, nodding my head so that she’d be more inclined to agree. Jane looked at Jake and I for a few seconds before finally sighing in defeat.

“Thank you.”

“No problem. Now remember, next month. And tell your dad I said to get better, okay.”

“Okay!” Jake called out as he made his way out the exam room as quickly as he could without running, his sister trailing behind him. I laughed as they left and made my way back to my office.

The rest of my day was normal. 2 broken legs, 1 broken arm, 1 broken nose, 4 cases of strep throat, and 1 case of bronchitis. Really though, when Jake has an appointment, it normally ended up being the highlight of my day.

Jake had been my first patient when I graduated from Medical school.  His previous doctor had been in an accident, leaving him unable to treat Jake any further. Jake had problems with his lungs, and had almost died because he couldn’t breath three times prior to me being his doctor. The Chandler’s weren’t the most fortunate financially, and it was hard for them to pay the bills with Jake’s treatments and medicine bills pilling up. What made it worse was that his mother had died when he was younger, leaving his father a single parent with apparently two children. Every time I saw Jake, I liked to give him a little money for ice cream after his exam.


“Hey, RJ, you coming with us after work?” A head popped in and said. I looked up to see one of my coworkers. I regretfully shook my head. There was nothing I wanted more at the moment that to go drinking and find myself in the arms of a women, but unfortunately, I had prior engagements. Family, and such.


“No can do. Maybe tomorrow.” He nodded and left, leaving me to file more paperwork.



I arrived at my uncle’s house at around 5:30, and stood outside waiting for someone to answer the door. The door opened and revealed my Uncle Archer, though I refused to call him such, which was just fine with him.


“RJ. Come in,” He said, gesturing inside. I nodded and entered. I suddenly felt something tight grip my leg, and looked down to see a thick mop of hair and grubby hands wrapped around my leg.


“Hello to you too, Emma.” I said, picking up my cousin. She giggled as I did, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“So where’s Sora?” I asked, as I couldn’t help but wonder where my aunt was.

“In here, RJ!” A voice called from another room. Archer made an expression that indicated that my question had been answered. We began to walk towards the living room, Emma pulling at my hair as we did.


“Where are the other kids. You have like seven, right?”

Archer glared at me, and rolled the eyes that reminded me so much of my dad’s. “Three. I have three kids, RJ. You should know, you delivered one of them.”

“And I have seen parts of your wife that I wish I hadn’t,” I said, which earned me a punch on the shoulder, and a disapproving look from my uncle, who shook his head and moved to sit on the couch.


“I know, how could ever forget that I was the first one to hold little Emma,” I said, tickling Emma’s stomach as I did. Another set of little hands grabbed my leg, and I looked down once again to see another toddler.


“Hey James,” I said, ruffling the little boy’s hair. He looked up at me and gave me a toothy grin.

“Rrrr,” He said. He was still learning how to say things, so they didn’t all come out right. He got the ‘r’ down pat, he just couldn’t figure out the ‘j’. Sora joked and told the kids that I was a pirate once. It was a semi-funny day the day I came over and was attacked by munchkins who were trying to defend their house from pirates.

“RJ!” A shrill voice yelled. I put one hand to my ear at the sound.


“Kaylee!” I said just as loud. Emma and James put their hands to their ears and held them tightly.  Archer’s oldest daughter came running into the room wearing a prince costume.

“Did you save anybody today?”

“I saw a guy who broke his nose by running into his wall,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. Kaylee seemed disappointed.


” I also saw Jake,” I said as an afterthought. Kaylee’s eyes lit up.

“Is he gonna get to play baseball? That’s all he’s been talking about at school.” Her eyes were wide with the hope of a child. I shook my head solemnly and put Emma down.

“No, he’ll have to wait and see if he’ll be strong enough next year.”

Kaylee looked disappointed,  and went to sit down beside her dad.


“So, why are you dressed as prince?”

“Oh, well, wearing this is much more conventional for fighting dragons that a dress could ever be.” I nodded, not saying anything, because, what could I say? The girl wasn’t wrong.

“Supper’s ready!” Sora called.



Emma and James sat in their highchairs while the rest of us ate at the dining room table.

“So, Uriah called today,” Archer said as he took a bite of food.

“What did he say?” I asked as I shuffled the food around on my plate.


“The usual. He was wondering if they had contacted you.” They, being my sister and my cousin. About nine years ago, when I was sixteen, they ran away and we hadn’t heard from them since. We were pretty sure they weren’t dead, but you never knew. My mom and dad, and Aunt Rosi and Uncle Lars never gave up hope that they would turn up, though.

“I haven’t seen or heard anything,” I said. Archer nodded and resumed his eating.


“So, RJ, any special girls?” Sora asked. I smirked at my plate and shook my head.

“I’m not exactly looking at the moment. Career and all that.”

“Well, whoever you end up with, I know they’ll be beautiful,” Kaylee said, her voice dreamy and her eyes staring off into space.


“Thanks squirt.”

After dinner, when it was time for the kids to wash up for bed, I tried desperately to get away from the munchkins that held onto me to prevent me from leaving.

“Emma, James, RJ has to go,” Sora said, her voice firm, but motherly at the same time. The toddlers let go and went off to sneak in some play time before they had to wash up.


“Bye RJ,” Kaylee said, pulling me into a large embrace.

“Bye Squirt. Do good in school,” I said as an after thought, trying to be half-way decent influence on my young cousin.

Sora gave me a hug and Archer shook my hand. “Feel free to come next week for supper.”

“Will do,” I said with a smile as I left.


AN: He might be an ass, but he’s my ass, and he’s really grown on me. You can see how he’s grown up a little from the last chapter, which makes sense considering this is nine years later. More surprises and such in store! I would love to thank Undergroundedgar for Jessica! You rock! Please comment! I love to hear feedback!

Generation 3 Heir Poll!


Paxton de Marco

Paxton’s story begins after she runs away from home with her cousin. Follow her story as she and her cousin, Drake, struggle to survive in the large, unforgiving city of Bridgeport.


RJ de Marco

RJ’s story start 9 years later after he gets his medical degree and is working as a doctor in Bridgeport. RJ loves women, and the women love him back. Follow the story of this charming, albeit hot-headed doctor.

Generation 2: Chapter 10

AN: Hello Lovelies! Yes, this is the last chapter for Generation 2! I’ll be honest, I got teary-eyed at the the thought of having to say goodbye to Uriah. This chapter is not the greatest in quality, I’ll be honest with you. I do have a somewhat decent excuse, though…Our power went out three times as I was halfway through this chapter…I know, that sucks.

I would like to thank Senkime for allowing me to use her sim Jasmine! Thank you so much! You rock!! 

Be on the look out for the heir poll!


Violet was pissed at me…again. This time, I’m almost positive that it wasn’t my fault. When I asked Miles what I did, he would laugh and say, ” What didn’t you do?”

Really though, I could do without Violet hanging on the arm of male after male. Of course, one those random males were probably taking her to Miles’ party. She would likely hang on his arm all night and throw me satisfied glances while I stood alone.

Well, that just wouldn’t do.


“Dude, I need a date for tomorrow,” I told Miles at the end of the day. He gave me a look that said, ‘ what do you want me to do about it’.

“What about her?” I asked, pointing to a girl who sat reading her book.

“You really want to take that loser?” Miles asked, surprised by my choice. I shrugged.

“If I did, Violet would be pissed that I picked her to take. I mean, just look at her. And if doesn’t work, it’ll still be funny anyways.”


“Do you even know her name?”

“Uh…It’s like Jasmine, or something.” I said. I began to walk towards the nerdy girl, a charming smile on my face. “Hey Jasmine!”


Jasmine looked up from her book, startled, and looked at me with distrust.

“Um…Hey,” She said quietly, not meeting my eyes.


“My name’s RJ.” I said, holding out my hand towards her as a peace offering.

“I-I know who you are.”

“Well, that’s good, Do you also know that there’s a party tomorrow?” Jasmine shook her head. “Would you like to go with me?”

Now, she looked up at me, her eyes wide behind her thick frames. Ha! She’d probably never even spoken to a male. This was perfect!


“Me? You want me to go with you?”

“Of course. I’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow. How’s that?” I asked, my smile large, inviting, and charming.

“I guess that’s good.”

“Great!” I said, and took a pen from my pocket. I picked up her hand, and didn’t miss the blush covering her face, and wrote my number on her hand. “Just text me your address, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“O-okay.” Jasmine said, finally smiling at me. I winked at her one last time before I walked over to rejoin Miles.


“You’re such a bastard RJ,” He said, laughing as soon as we had walked far enough away so that no one would hear him.

“A smart bastard at that,” I said, joining in on his laughter.


The next day:

Paxton’s POV


“I don’t understand it, Drake. Why does Dad never let me do anything? Seriously, if he wasn’t letting RJ go to Miles’ party, you can be sure that he wouldn’t let me go,” I grumbled, ranting to my favorite cousin, Drake. He had always been there for me, and I considered him more of a brother than RJ.


“He just worries about you, that’s all. I mean, my dad won’t let Spencer do things that I could when I was her age. It’s cause your a girl.” Drake said, leaning against my wall. I sighed in response and went to change my clothes before the party tonight. I emerged from the bathroom wearing an adorable outfit.


“So how do I look? ” I asked Drake, turned away from him, admiring myself in the mirror.


“You’re not wearing that out,” Was the response I got. I huffed, and turned around to see that it was not Drake that answered, but my dad, who had apparently just gotten off work early. Damn.

“But Dad, this cute, and appropriate,” I said, trying to get him to see reason.

“Appropriate for what? A Victoria’s Secret magazine?”


“You always do this! You never let me do what I want to do! Never let me wear what I want to!”

Dad ran a hand through his hair and sighed, already tired of the argument we had almost every day. “Fine. How about this: Put something more appropriate for your age, or you’re not going.”

My flame colored eyes likely looked exactly at fire as I heard his terms. Every time. It wasn’t fair!


“I hate you!” I screamed, and ran back to the bathroom to change, leaving my cousin and dad to look at each other awkwardly.

“So, Hey Uncle Uriah,” Drake said, trying, and failing, to dispel the awkward air.

“Drake…Can you just take care of her? For me?” I heard me dad ask. That was like him. Always looking for someone to take care of me.

“Yes sir,” Drake said, and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of my forever obedient cousin.

I finally came from the bathroom in a more appropriate outfit, though I had the clothes I wanted in a bag, so that I could change when we arrived at the party.

“Better,” I asked, though I was looking for an answer as I was already leaving, Drake following behind.

“Be careful!” My dad called behind me.


“Whatever.” I answered in response.



I had picked up Jasmine and taken her to the party without any trouble. Miles was holding the party next to small pond that many would call the hangout of the local teens. Jasmine had dress up a little bit for the occasion, though not much.


Now, we stood near tree. Jasmine stood awkwardly, taking in the sight of drunk teens making out. I had asked her more than once if I could get her a drink , though she hastily refused. I myself refused drinks because I wanted to be sober enough to see Violet jealous.

“You having a good time?” I asked. Jasmine didn’t say anything, but nodded. A lie.


“Hey RJ,” I heard and looked over to see Drake and Paxton coming towards me. I looked at the clothes my sister was wearing and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

“Dad let you leave the house wearing that?”

Paxton rolled her eyes at my question. “Of course not. Now who’s this?”

“This is my date, Jasmine.” Paxton gave me a look that said ‘I’ll be asking about this later’.


“Nice to meet you. I’m his sister, Paxton. RJ, just wanted you to know that Purple’s pissed.” Purple was Paxton’s name for Violet. Great! This was exactly what was supposed to be happening.

“Good. Hey Paxton, Drake, will you keep Jasmine company while I got get something to drink?” Paxton huffed, but Drake nodded in compliance.

I walked away, looking for Violet. After about five minutes of fruitless searching, I gave up and made my way over to the alcohol.


“What are you doing here with her?” I heard a voice ask beside. I looked over to see Violet, her perfectly waxed eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion.

“I could ask the same of you and the jockstrap you brought.”

“He’s just a friend, I really wanted you to bring me, RJ,” She said, the confusion no longer in her eyes, as it had be burned by the growing lust.


“So did I,” I said. And I meant it. It wasn’t that I actually liked Violet, oh no. I just didn’t like to lose. Violet wasted no time wrapping her tiny arms around me and pulling me into a passionate kiss, which I responded easily.


“You jerk!” A voice beside me said. Violet and I broke away to see Jasmine staring at us in awe, tears falling down her face.

“What did you think the ‘J’ stood for, Darling?” I said, my mouth contorted into a smirk. “You didn’t think I actually wanted to bring you, did you?”

A circle began to crowd around us, and the coherent half-way sober teens began to laugh.

“But-” Jasmine tried to blubber out through her tears.


“But what? You’re nothing but a loser.” Jasmine said nothing else, and ran away from the crowd shouted jeers at her. Violet laughs and looks at me, expecting for me to, but I don’t. Instead, I stare at the spot where Jasmine had been standing. I did that. I hurt her.

I didn’t feel as good as I thought I would have. Instead I felt dirty.

The laughing goes on for a while. I don’t feel like joining in on anymore of the festivities of the night. Violet soon becomes irritated that I don’t feel like making out with her, but fine by me.

“The cops are coming!” Someone yells. We all begin to scramble like ants. The sober ones do, at least. The drunk ones barely understand what’s going on, much less what to do.

“Everyone freeze!” A voice shouts. I look up to meet the disappointed eyes of my dad.


Dad was silent the whole ride home as he drove Paxton, Drake, and I home in the back of his cruiser. He dropped Drake off at my aunt and uncle’s house, where my Aunt Rosi stood on the front porch with a furious glint in her eyes.


When we got home and into the house where Mom was up waiting for us, Dad exploded.

“What the hell did you two think you were doing? At a party with alcohol? And you Paxton? You disobeyed me! You wore exactly what I told you not to!”


“What about RJ, huh,” Paxton screamed. “You’re not going to find something to fuss at him about, are you?!? It’s me! It’s always me. I hate you! I hate you so much!”

“Paxton!” My Mom said, trying to stop my sister as she ran through the house to her room.

“Just let her go,” Dad said. He turned his attention towards me, and I gulped. “And you, just go to your room. I can’t even look at you two tonight. I’m so disappointed.”


“I-I’m sorry Dad.” I said, as I walked to my room. Dad ran a hand through his hair, a trait he had picked up ever since Grandpa died, and sighed.

“Rowan Jace, just go.”


Paxton’s POV

That’s it. I’m done. I’m leaving. I buzzed around my room frantically, gathering things in a suitcase. After I had it packed, I opened one of my windows and crawled through.


As soon as I was out, I ran down the street, almost positive I wasn’t in my right mind. I got about a mile before I lost all adrenaline I had gained and had to walk.


“Paxton!” I heard a shout behind me, and looked to see Drake, desperately trying to catch up with me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked as soon as he caught up with me.

“I’m leaving.”

“And going where?”

“I don’t know. Bridgeport, maybe. I just need to go. I can’t anymore.”

Drake sighed. “I’m not going to stop you.”



“But I’m going with you,” Drake said, a smirk on his face. I shook my head is disagreement, but began to think about it for a few seconds.

“Good. Now I won’t be alone.” And then we began to run to where ever the future would take us.

Hey Guys! Wanna help?

Since this generation is coming to a close, I’ve realize I need to have sims on hand to add to the story.

That’s where you come in!

If you have the time, could you possibly make me a few females and males? I would be so happy if you could! I promise to give you credit every time the appear in my story.


-No sliders


-No berry skins

-They can have a funky hair color, but if they  do, try not to make it too vibrant.

-You must be okay with the fact that I might make minor tweaks to their appearance.

-Feel free to name them even though there is a chance that I will change it.

-Don’t worry about personality. I’ve got that covered.

-I do need at least one nerdy, cute girl, though.

Thank you guys so much! Just put the link in the comments and what name you would like for me to recognize you by!

Remember to read and review! I love comments!

Generation 2: Chapter 9


I wasn’t aware that it was possible to fall in love with someone at first sight, but that was exactly what had happened when Paxton was born.


She was a sweet child…as long as she got her way. Though, she normally did, so she wasn’t too fussy.


Paxton and Drake were as thick as thieves, and could always be found getting into some sort of mischief. The other day, Lars walked in on Drake hoisting Paxton up onto the counter to get a plate of waffles that had been left unattended.

You rarely saw one without the other. We had figured out that it was Paxton that came up with their dastardly schemes, and Drake who followed behind like a shadow.


The only plus side to having two mischievous toddlers in the house was that they wore each other out. Sometimes, they didn’t even indicate they were tired, and would just curl up on the floor in each others arms.


The fact that I had a daughter now made me want to completely get my life back on the track it was before my mother died. I had begun painting again, a past time I had enjoyed as a child, but I wanted something more. I wanted to be able to provide for my family.

“Cora, I’ve been thinking,” I said to the beautiful mother of my child. “I think I want to get a job.”


“That’s great!” Cora exclaimed, bringing her hands to her face in an excited fashion. “What kind?”

“Law Enforcement. Ironic, I know, but that’s what I wanted to do when I was younger. I wanted to help people.” I shrugged my shoulders, and looked at her sheepishly.


“Uriah, I’m so proud of you!” She says, and pulls me into a kiss. If this is what excelling in life gets you, I’ll happily excel.



A fews later, after my job interview, I came home to my sister and wife  girlfriend teaching my nephew and daughter how to talk.  As soon as I walked into the door, Cora popped up and grabbed Paxton before bouncing over to me.


“Uriah, listen to what Paxton learned to say. Okay Pax, who is this,” Cora asked, pointing at me.

“Dadada,” Paxton said happily, her face as bright as flame.  My eyes grew large, and a huge grin spread upon my face.

“That’s right!” I exclaimed, and pointed at Cora. “Who’s that?”

Paxton glanced at Cora and smiled once again,”Mama”

“That’s my smart little girl,” I said, and tickled Paxton while Cora still held her.


“So, how did it go? Did you get?”

“You are now looking at Officer de Marco,” I said proudly, and took my badge out of my pocket as proof.

“You got it!”

“I got it!”


“I knew you’d get it,” Cora said, a large smile on her face. “And, um since, you know, that’s a big change in your life…our life, I’ve been thinking…Um, I don’t know how to say this but….We should get married.”

She said it so fast that I almost didn’t understand. But I did. Old me would have laughed and pulled out a cigarette, but new me was a sappy, love-struck fool.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about that too. Cor, you might want to put Paxton down.” I said, trying to hide the smile that was making it’s way onto my face. Cora looked puzzled, but didn’t question my request. Paxton crawled away as soon as she was put down, and made her way over to our aging dog, Sunny.


I got down on one knee, and pulled the ring I had bought a few weeks prior out of my pocket.


“Cora, I am idiot that has fallen in love with you. You’ve seen me at my worst, but you’ve brought my best. So, um, will you marry me?”


“Yes, yes, yes, you idiot!” Cora exclaimed as she tackled me, almost knocking me to the ground. As soon as she was done hugging and kissing me to death, she ran throughout the house proclaiming words of our engagement.


“So, I’ve heard the news,” My daddy said, coming up to me after Cora had broken away to run through the house.  “I probably haven’t been the greatest father to you, and for that, I’m so sorry, but I just want you to know that I’m proud of you son.”


“Thanks Daddy,” I said, and was pulled into a large bear hug, and all the anger I had built up when I was younger was suddenly gone.



We went for something simple, but elegant, which meant the wedding took place in the backyard, only our family was in attendance, but that was perfect.

Gosh, the things Rowan would say if he was here. He’d tease me endlessly, but I’d like to think I’d have made my little brother proud.


Cora came down our short aisle wearing a short wedding dress that was very Cora-esque. She wasn’t even wearing shoes, since she didn’t think any would look right with her dress.


We took each other’s hands, both of us held large grins on our faces.


“Uriah de Marco, I have loved for so long. You helped when I was in a dark place…You helped me see the light. You helped me forgive myself. And you loved me despite everything, even when most sane men would’ve run.”


“Cora Anderson, where do I even begin with you. I remember when I first met you. I wasn’t the kindest, but you saw past that. You pursued a relationship with me even when most would call me a lost cause. You became my guiding light. I will always love you.”


A soon as our rings were on our fingers, we kissed, and our family stood up in applause. Even Paxton and Drake stood and cheered, though they didn’t understand why.


“Well, Mrs. de Marco, how do you feel?” I asked as we took our first dance as husband and wife. We were the only ones outside besides Paxton, as the rest of our family abandoned us for wedding cake.


“Absolutely enchanted, dashing Husband.” Cora said, a playful smile on her face.

“Oh, dashing Husband, I’ve got to beat that. Hm…How about Light of my Life Wife?”

“Uriah…” She said, staring up in my eyes.

“Do I get bonus points for rhyming?”

“Shut up, Uriah.”


After dancing, I picked up Paxton in a surprise attack, and kissed one of her cheeks with Cora kissed the other. She was so surprised that we laughed for a long time.


A few days after the wedding, Rosi and Lars declared that they were moving out. Of course it was fine with everyone, the only problem was Paxton: Losing her aunt and uncle meant she was also losing her partner in crime.


She was almost inconsolable. The only people who could her to calm down were her Grandaddy:


And her Uncle Archer:


Paxton adored Archer, and Archer adored the attention. He showered her with so much attention that we ended up having to warn him to not spoil her.


A few weeks after the wedding, Cora came down with a terrible stomach bug. She couldn’t keep anything down, and I was worried to death about her. She played it off cool, though I could tell that it was wearing down on her.


It was during one of the worst flashes of nauseous I watched her scramble to get to the toilet and hunch over to spill her stomach.


“Maybe I should take you to the doctor.” I said to her after she was done.  She hastily shook her head and walked over to the sink.


“It’s just a bug,” She said through brushing her teeth. ” It should be gone in a few days. I just don’t want to give it Paxton.”


Flash forward a few weeks, and we learned that it was just a bug. When I was finishing a painting, Cora approached me and announced that she was pregnant. She was ecstatic, and so was I, but I was also worried. She had never been this week when she had been pregnant with Paxton. I just didn’t want something to be wrong.



The next few months went by slowly. It was harder for Cora to get around, so she mainly stayed in our room or the living room.

Cora and I were sitting on the couch,



Archer was teaching his favorite only niece how to say his name, with much difficulty,


and Daddy was on the phone with Rosi.


All of a sudden, Cora yelped and jumped up in pain with more energy than I had seen in months.  The house was in panic. Cora finally calmed down enough to convince me to get the car ready and take her to the hospital.


We left Paxton with Archer (Yummy) and my Daddy, and I drove as quickly as I could to the hospital.


We left the hospital with the news that we could have no more children. That Cora’s life would be in danger if we tried to have another. Cora was devastated, but tried to make the best of it with what else we left the hospital with:


A healthy, though small, little boy named Rowan Jace, or RJ as we liked to call him. Really though, my children looked more like my father’s than mine, with his eyes and hair, though he had a good combination of mine and Cora’s face. Two toddlers and only one set of parents this time…Fun.

AN: Hey guys! In case you guys couldn’t tell, this generation is coming to a close. I’ll probably have the heir poll after the next chapter. If y’all could, could y’all comment or give me some kind of feedback so I know what you all think or what ideas you have? ‘Cause this could suck, and I have no idea… Thanks guys! Love y’all…Isn’t Archer so yummy though? And cute Uriah being sappy…

Generation 2: Chapter 8



Appaloosa Plains was quiet, even quieter than the island. I suppose that was the general idea, but sometimes, the lack of sound was the loudest sound of all.


Rosi, Daddy, Archer, who had silently grown older and wiser right before our eyes,  and Lars tried to make things normal, but beneath that, we all knew that it would never be normal again. Cora was almost mute, no longer her bubbly self. It killed Lars. He was her brother, and, in the past, had always been there for her. But now, he was like a stranger to her. Screenshot-170

I understood her silence. I hated it, but I understood. Maybe, because I had the same silence she did. The same moments of blank stares, and hearing things that aren’t there. Screenshot-195

Lars had managed to find solace not in his sister, but with mine. Rosi and Lars could always be seen together. They made each other smile despite the tragedy that had taken place. Even though I didn’t like the fact that my sister was close to any male, I, along with my father, let it slide because: A. They were happy. B. She was older than he was. One day, Lars approached me, looking as though he was at wit’s end. Screenshot-174

“Talk to her. Please,” He begged, his eyes pleading.

“What makes you think I can do anything?”

“You’re the same. You both float around aimlessly with blank looks in your eyes. You understand her.” He wasn’t wrong. His intentions were in the right place, but he didn’t carry around the same grief that Cora and I did. The same guilt. I didn’t answer, and he seemed to take this as a sign of me refusing.

“Please. If not for me, then for her.” Screenshot-180

I looked at him and gave a slight nod. “I’ll try.”

—————————— Screenshot-196

True to my word, I made my way to Cora’s room and knocked on the door.


“It’s open,” I heard her call out. Her voice was louder than I had heard in a while. I opened the door to see Cora standing right in front of it. Screenshot-202

Without warning, she put her arms around me and pulled me into a deeper kiss then I had had in a while. Not knowing how to react, I decided to go with my instinctual reaction and kiss her back. Screenshot-216

She soon broke the kiss and put her hands on my cheeks, and I, unsure of where to put mine, gently place my hands on her waist.

“He thinks there’s something wrong with me. That’s why you’re here.” She said, her grey eyes full of more emotion than I had seen in a while. “I need to forget, Uriah. Help me forget.” Screenshot-229

She sounds desperate, almost as desperate as I feel.  I nod as my answer, and she begins to kiss me once more. But now I understand, and she allows me take control. I am soon holding her against the wall, and her legs are wrapped around my waist.

“Are you sure?” I manage to ask between kisses of desperation.   Screenshot-233

“Always.” With that word, our fate is sealed and I carry her to the bed where we continue our affair of desperation, loneliness, and guilt.


Afterwards, I notice in the next few weeks the change in the house’s atmosphere. It’s easier to breath in now. Cora has begun talking again, as have I. The normal that we pretended was there for so long seems natural now. No longer forced. Screenshot-253

To be honest, one of my favorite past times has become just sitting and talking with Cora, along with listening to her play the violin she had found at a garage sale. Of course, the first few weeks, it sounded like a dying cat, but afterwards she improved greatly. Screenshot-276

It was during one of her ‘sessions’ that she suddenly ceased playing and looked at me nervously. Screenshot-292

“Cora, what’s wrong?”

“Uriah, I have something to tell you, just don’t, don’t hate me,” She stuttered, looking down at her hands as she spoke.

“I could never hate you,” I say, and I mean it. I’ve been through so much with her that I doubt anything could make me hate her. Though I’m wasn’t sure of anything, I think I was in love with her. She smiles, though she still doesn’t look at me.

“Uriah, I’m pregnant.”

“Oh,” I say dumbly, staring at her stomach as if a baby bump was going to spontaneously emerge. From everything I thought she could have told me, that hadn’t crossed my mind. Screenshot-304

“Oh? Is that a good ‘oh’ or a bad ‘oh’?” She asks, staring at me with wide eyes.

“Um…I don’t know. I’ll be back in a few hours.” I quickly made my way from the room before she could respond, and rushed out of the house headed towards the only bar in town.



My head was fuzzy after the many drinks I’d consumed. Why did I need them? My habits with alcohol had all but ceased when I had begun my ‘work’, and now, here I was, using it as a crutch once more. Screenshot-403

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” A voice says beside me. I look over to see Lars standing over me.

“At the moment, I’m trying to see how many of these pretty drinks it will take before I realize how stupid I am.”

“The answer is none. Now stand up.”

“No,” I respond, sounding like a spoiled child. Lars didn’t like my answer and proceeded to pull me out the barstool so that I was facing him.


“Face me like a man.” Lars says calmly. I roll my eyes and continue to look at him dumbly, the many drinks swirling in my head. The next thing I feel is Lars’ fist connecting with my cheek, and me staggering in a sluggish motion from the impact. Screenshot-406

“Bastard! What the hell?” I shout. The other patrons in the bar look at us with amused looks on their drunken faces. Sleepy Appaloosa Plains doesn’t have much drama to deal with.

“That’s for getting my sister pregnant.”

“You think that was appropriate?!?”

“Considering the fact that your reaction was to come here and drown in alcohol, I believe my my reaction was more than appropriate.” Screenshot-401

Even with my fuzzy head, I had to agree with him there. I let out a loud huff, and sit back down while rubbing my throbbing cheek. Lars sits down beside me, takes my drink from out of my reach, and proceeds to drink the rest of it.

“Really?” I ask, my voice frustrated.

“It’s not like you needed it. Now, what’s your whole problem?” He asks, his attention focused entirely on me. Screenshot-423

“I don’t know, I just. I’m not the greatest person in the world. I’ve done bad things. What if I screw up my kid? I mean…I don’t know.”

“Uriah, I’ve just gotten to know you well, and I’d like to believe that we’re friends. I didn’t know you well before, but I remember how Cora used to talk about you, and I remember how much grief you had when your brother died. Anyone like that, like you would make a brilliant father.”


“But if you do happen to screw up, the kid’ll have a whole line of defense in relatives to sort it out.” I look at Lars, and for a second I am reminded of Rowan. This was exactly like something he would have said to me.


“Thanks man.” Lars began to rise from his seat.

“Wait, I forgot to mention something. You’re going to be an uncle.” Screenshot-449

At his words, I hop from the seat, the alcohol not hindering me a bit this time around, and connect my fist with his own cheek.

“Damn, that’s a nice hook you’ve got there,” He says as soon as he regains himself.

“Shut up! Why would you punch me if both of our sisters were pregnant??”


“Had I told you first, you would’ve hit me first, so I figured this would stall the pain.” I give Lars a long, hard look before we both burst out in  loud laughter. “You know, you’re alright!”


Lars and I get home late, and discover the whole house is already asleep. I crept into Cora’s room to find her fast asleep on the bed. Screenshot-321

“Cora,” I whisper, gently shaking her. She stirs  and looks at me after a few seconds and I hear the small whisper of “Uriah” coming from her mouth. She sits up quietly.

“I’m sorry.”

“About,” Cora asks, her facial expression confused.

“Being an ass.”


“You can be a bit of an ass,” She whispers, and lets out a slight giggle.

“I want you, I want the baby, and I want you to know that I love you, God I love you. So much.” Screenshot-330

Cora grinned, and gave me large kiss.”I love you too.” She then got a clear look at my face and frowned.

“What happened?!?”

“Your brother’s a bastard.”

“I know.”

———————————- Screenshot-333

Over the next few months, Cora and Rosi seemed to grow right before all of our eyes.


Cora would always light up with excitement when the baby kicked, and would always call me over quickly so that I could feel it. Screenshot-337

She also insisted that I talk to her stomach, assuring me that it would help the baby recognize me better when it was born. It didn’t make me feel any less stupid.


The real kicker was when, after eight months, Cora and Rosi went into labor at the same time. We all stood frantically in the living room, unsure of how to react. Rosi and Cora remained calm, and managed to somehow snap us out of our trance to drive them to the hospital.

After 4 hours of labor, My nephew, Drake Anderson was born with my daddy’s hair and Lars’ eyes. Screenshot-373

And after 5 hours, my daughter Paxton Lea de Marco was born with my mother’s hair and my daddy’s eyes. Screenshot-385

Generation 2: Chapter 7


Uriah’s POV

Ever since I took Cora out on the date and discovered who her father was, I had stopped all forms of communication with her, mainly due to the fact that I was scared witless of what her father would do to my family. It made me wonder if she knew who he was. If she knew the things he did and controlled.

Multiple unread text messages and missed calls filled up my phone, all from Cora. The worst part of this whole ordeal was that I felt like she had the potential to become someone important to me.

A few weeks had passed since the night I first took Rowan out with me. I could tell that the man’s death was taking his toll on him. He had dark circles under his eyes, and staggered along as if he was always fatigued. He reminded me of a zombie.

Despite it all, he still insisted I take him out on assignments with me. He refused to carry a gun, though. Not that I blamed him. Every time I attempted to hand him the gun, he would wince as if the cool metal burned his skin.


Now, though, it had been a few days since our last late night outing. I could finally rest, though sleep wasn’t the easiest thing to come by. I stared up at the ceiling, hoping that sleep would overtake me.

Of course, it never did.

A light illuminated my room, and I turned over to my nightstand to see that I’d gotten a text from Cora. Honestly, I wasn’t about to check it, but something seemed off about it. Why would she be sending me something so late?

I looked down at the most recent text she sent and all the blood drained from my face. He knows.


He knows I didn’t kill those men. He knows that I left them alive.

Help us.

The text message was rushed, panicky. From her other texts, I could tell that she made sure to keep her grammar as precise as possible, and this indicated urgency.

But, why would he harm his own child?

“Where would he keep her,” I thought aloud. She didn’t exactly give many specifics, though I couldn’t really blame her.


Eventually, I came to the conclusion that her house would be a good place to start my search, so I decided to head there. I changed out of pajama pants, and made my way downstairs, where I found Rowan waiting for me, already dressed.


“You’ve got to stop doing that.”

“You seem to forget that the attic is right under my room. I can hear most every move you make. Where are we going now?”

“I don’t want you going with me. This is something I’ve got to do on my own, and honestly I don’t think, for you well-being, it’d be a good idea for you to go,” I said.

“That’s stupid. So where?” Rowan said, in a monotone voice, rolling his eyes at the same time.



When we arrived at the Anderson house, there wasn’t a soul, or light, in sight. I took out my gun and held it at my side, and pulled another out of my jacket.

“Here,” I said to Rowan, holding the gun out to him. He looked at it for second and shied away.

“I don’t need it.”

“Listen, I don’t give a damn if you think you need it or not, you’re going to take it,” I said in reply to his comment. I shoved the gun in his hand, and he gripped his fingers around it. His facial expression was pained, and I almost felt bad about making him carry it. “You head around back, I’ll check the front. ”


Rowan nodded and headed towards the back of the house while I made my way to the front. Everything seemed normal. I checked the door, only to discover it was locked.

“Dammit,” I muttered, even though I knew I shouldn’t have expected it to be open. I leaned against the door in frustration. It was then something caught my eye.

I walked towards the mysterious object, only to discover it was a note.


It was in Cora’s handwriting, though it much sloppier than I remembered.

“This must be where they are,” I whispered. I took out my phone and called Rowan.

“I know where they are,” I said when he picked up.



13 Juan Ponce de Leon Drive turned out to be a small house that looked like a box. I began to approach the box house, but was stopped by Rowan.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked, his facial expression suspicious. “I mean, what if he’s put her up to this? Huh?”

I shook my head at his doubt. “Cora would never do that. I just know.”

“Fine. ‘Just know’ that if your girlfriend set us up, it’s your fault.”

“She’s not my girlfriend!” I exclaimed, though quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Rowan shook his head, but I could see the ghost of a smile on his lips, and motioned for me to continue.


We held our guns in front of us, and approached the house hesitantly. After a few seconds of waiting, I opened the door, poised in the position to fire if needed, only to find a small empty room with only a staircase leading down. I eye the stairs for a second and glance at Rowan. He gives a slight nod in return, and I take that as a ‘go for it’.


I quietly creep down the stairs with Rowan right behind me, and came upon a blindingly white hallway. We descended slowly down the hallway and came to a door on the side. Thankfully, the door held a window on it, and inside I saw Cora and Lars.


“They’re in there,” I whispered to Rowan. He nodded. I grabbed at the door knob, trying desperately to get it to budge, though the effort was fruitless.

“I got this,” Rowan whispered, and kicked the door open with a kick so swift I almost missed it. The opened door revealed another empty, white room with Cora and Lars sitting on the floor, huddled close. They both looked up at the noise, and Cora’s mouth turned into a relieved grin.


“Uriah,” She croaked. Her voice was hoarse, as if she had been screaming for a long time. I rushed over towards the twins.

“We need to go. Now,” I said. Lars looked at me and nodded. He stood up, though I could see him wince with every movement his body made.

“Come on, Cor,” Lars said lovingly to his sister. Cora nodded and tried her hardest to stand up, but we all knew by the effort she was making that she wasn’t strong enough. Lars tried to help her, but almost fell down with her.

“I got her,” I said. I crouched down in front of her and gathered her over my shoulder. She hung somewhat limply, like a wet noodle.

“Guys, we need to go,” Rowan said as he stood beside the door. “Like now.”


Quickly we tried our hardest and fastest to get ourselves out of the room, I with Cora on my shoulder, and Lars struggling to walk behind.

“It seems clear, let’s go,” Rowan said. He exited the room, with the rest of our group trailing behind. It was then that a gun shot went off.

I pulled my gun from my jacket, a hard feat to do with Cora on me, and frantically ran out of the room. The sight before my eyes was almost unbearable.


Rowan laid on the ground, a large, bright bullet wound in the middle of his forehead.


I didn’t think, I just reacted, and turned towards thesource of the bullets, which turned out to be a man that had just come down the staircase. My aim wasn’t great, but I shot enough times and in enough places that when the man crumpled to the ground, it would have been a miracle if he hadn’t died the minute he hit the ground.

Cora quietly slid off my back which allowed me to go to my wounded brother. I dropped the gun and knelt before him.


“Oh my God, Rowan,” I whispered, half in shock, half in guilt. His breathing was shallow, and his eyes moved without direction, as he wasn’t seeing what everyone else was.

“It’s….Okay….Love…you…” He muttered out before his shallow breathing ceased and his eyes looked their last.

“No…No…No!” I said over my brother’s body. I looked back at Lars and Cora, though they didn’t meet my eyes.


“Mr. de Marco, these are the things that happen when you don’t do as your told,” A voice said. All three of us looked up to see Clarke Anderson, Cora and Lars’ father and my ‘boss’.


“Why Papa?!?!”Cora shouted frantically. She had managed to pull herself up, though she still held against the wall for support. “Why do you do this? This is sick and twisted!”


“A female wouldn’t understand. I had hoped to pass this family business, as it were, to my boy Lars when he got older, but it seems he was too weak.”


Lars’ facial expression didn’t change, but I could tell he was furious by the fire that shone in his eyes.

“What does it mean to be strong, then” He shouted, gathering strength from adrenaline. “Does mean you have to kidnap your own children to use as bait?!?”

“Such a pity,” Clarke said, genuine disappointment in his eyes. “So weak. Men, get them.”


His men began to come towards us, and by that time, I was sure we were done for. Out of nowhere, a gun shot went off, and one by one the approaching men fell. I looked back to see Cora standing on shaky legs with the gun I had dropped in her hands.


With all the men down, she now held aim at her father. He stood wide eyed in front of us, sweat beginning to bead along his brow.

“Cora, sweetheart, let’s discuss this,” He said quickly, trying to remedy this situation.

“No Papa,” She said. Her finger pulled the trigger, a shot went off, and Clarke Anderson fell dead to the ground.


Cora stood triumphant for a few moments until she realized what she had done.


“Oh my God, oh my God,” She repeated. She held her eyes closed, as if she was trying to wake up from nightmare.

I looked down at my little brother. He was growing colder by the minute.


“This is my fault,” I whispered. Tears began to fall down my face. I let them come.


911 arrived a half an hour later. Apparently someone had heard gunshots. The three of us managed to convince the police that we were not the ones to blame here, though I’m not sure how the hell we managed to do that since the only one able to speak in coherent sentences was Lars.

Daddy and Rosi hugged me tightly when I got home, with Lars and Cora in tow. We all broke down in the middle of the parlor. Lars and Cora stood off to the side, having their own little breakdown.

Rowan’s funeral was two days later. My family was all in attendance, including Cora and Lars. We had asked for them to live with us, which they quickly agreed to, though actually, it was to move with us, since we had decided to move to a nice town called Appaloosa Plains.


I didn’t cry, just like at Mama’s funeral. I had cried so much in the past few days that I was sure I had no tears left.

We buried him right next to her. It seemed fitting.

Rosi, Archer, and Daddy stood in their own little huddle, while I stood alone directly in front of where my brother lay.


I suddenly felt a hand touch my back, and I look over to see Cora, a somber look on her face. She pulls me into a hug, and it is then I begin to cry. She doesn’t say anything, just holds me. Maybe it’s better not to be alone.


A few days later, I visit my brother again for the last time before we leave.

I hope he forgives me.