Generation 2: Chapter 9


I wasn’t aware that it was possible to fall in love with someone at first sight, but that was exactly what had happened when Paxton was born.


She was a sweet child…as long as she got her way. Though, she normally did, so she wasn’t too fussy.


Paxton and Drake were as thick as thieves, and could always be found getting into some sort of mischief. The other day, Lars walked in on Drake hoisting Paxton up onto the counter to get a plate of waffles that had been left unattended.

You rarely saw one without the other. We had figured out that it was Paxton that came up with their dastardly schemes, and Drake who followed behind like a shadow.


The only plus side to having two mischievous toddlers in the house was that they wore each other out. Sometimes, they didn’t even indicate they were tired, and would just curl up on the floor in each others arms.


The fact that I had a daughter now made me want to completely get my life back on the track it was before my mother died. I had begun painting again, a past time I had enjoyed as a child, but I wanted something more. I wanted to be able to provide for my family.

“Cora, I’ve been thinking,” I said to the beautiful mother of my child. “I think I want to get a job.”


“That’s great!” Cora exclaimed, bringing her hands to her face in an excited fashion. “What kind?”

“Law Enforcement. Ironic, I know, but that’s what I wanted to do when I was younger. I wanted to help people.” I shrugged my shoulders, and looked at her sheepishly.


“Uriah, I’m so proud of you!” She says, and pulls me into a kiss. If this is what excelling in life gets you, I’ll happily excel.



A fews later, after my job interview, I came home to my sister and wife  girlfriend teaching my nephew and daughter how to talk.  As soon as I walked into the door, Cora popped up and grabbed Paxton before bouncing over to me.


“Uriah, listen to what Paxton learned to say. Okay Pax, who is this,” Cora asked, pointing at me.

“Dadada,” Paxton said happily, her face as bright as flame.  My eyes grew large, and a huge grin spread upon my face.

“That’s right!” I exclaimed, and pointed at Cora. “Who’s that?”

Paxton glanced at Cora and smiled once again,”Mama”

“That’s my smart little girl,” I said, and tickled Paxton while Cora still held her.


“So, how did it go? Did you get?”

“You are now looking at Officer de Marco,” I said proudly, and took my badge out of my pocket as proof.

“You got it!”

“I got it!”


“I knew you’d get it,” Cora said, a large smile on her face. “And, um since, you know, that’s a big change in your life…our life, I’ve been thinking…Um, I don’t know how to say this but….We should get married.”

She said it so fast that I almost didn’t understand. But I did. Old me would have laughed and pulled out a cigarette, but new me was a sappy, love-struck fool.

“You know, I’ve been thinking about that too. Cor, you might want to put Paxton down.” I said, trying to hide the smile that was making it’s way onto my face. Cora looked puzzled, but didn’t question my request. Paxton crawled away as soon as she was put down, and made her way over to our aging dog, Sunny.


I got down on one knee, and pulled the ring I had bought a few weeks prior out of my pocket.


“Cora, I am idiot that has fallen in love with you. You’ve seen me at my worst, but you’ve brought my best. So, um, will you marry me?”


“Yes, yes, yes, you idiot!” Cora exclaimed as she tackled me, almost knocking me to the ground. As soon as she was done hugging and kissing me to death, she ran throughout the house proclaiming words of our engagement.


“So, I’ve heard the news,” My daddy said, coming up to me after Cora had broken away to run through the house.  “I probably haven’t been the greatest father to you, and for that, I’m so sorry, but I just want you to know that I’m proud of you son.”


“Thanks Daddy,” I said, and was pulled into a large bear hug, and all the anger I had built up when I was younger was suddenly gone.



We went for something simple, but elegant, which meant the wedding took place in the backyard, only our family was in attendance, but that was perfect.

Gosh, the things Rowan would say if he was here. He’d tease me endlessly, but I’d like to think I’d have made my little brother proud.


Cora came down our short aisle wearing a short wedding dress that was very Cora-esque. She wasn’t even wearing shoes, since she didn’t think any would look right with her dress.


We took each other’s hands, both of us held large grins on our faces.


“Uriah de Marco, I have loved for so long. You helped when I was in a dark place…You helped me see the light. You helped me forgive myself. And you loved me despite everything, even when most sane men would’ve run.”


“Cora Anderson, where do I even begin with you. I remember when I first met you. I wasn’t the kindest, but you saw past that. You pursued a relationship with me even when most would call me a lost cause. You became my guiding light. I will always love you.”


A soon as our rings were on our fingers, we kissed, and our family stood up in applause. Even Paxton and Drake stood and cheered, though they didn’t understand why.


“Well, Mrs. de Marco, how do you feel?” I asked as we took our first dance as husband and wife. We were the only ones outside besides Paxton, as the rest of our family abandoned us for wedding cake.


“Absolutely enchanted, dashing Husband.” Cora said, a playful smile on her face.

“Oh, dashing Husband, I’ve got to beat that. Hm…How about Light of my Life Wife?”

“Uriah…” She said, staring up in my eyes.

“Do I get bonus points for rhyming?”

“Shut up, Uriah.”


After dancing, I picked up Paxton in a surprise attack, and kissed one of her cheeks with Cora kissed the other. She was so surprised that we laughed for a long time.


A few days after the wedding, Rosi and Lars declared that they were moving out. Of course it was fine with everyone, the only problem was Paxton: Losing her aunt and uncle meant she was also losing her partner in crime.


She was almost inconsolable. The only people who could her to calm down were her Grandaddy:


And her Uncle Archer:


Paxton adored Archer, and Archer adored the attention. He showered her with so much attention that we ended up having to warn him to not spoil her.


A few weeks after the wedding, Cora came down with a terrible stomach bug. She couldn’t keep anything down, and I was worried to death about her. She played it off cool, though I could tell that it was wearing down on her.


It was during one of the worst flashes of nauseous I watched her scramble to get to the toilet and hunch over to spill her stomach.


“Maybe I should take you to the doctor.” I said to her after she was done.  She hastily shook her head and walked over to the sink.


“It’s just a bug,” She said through brushing her teeth. ” It should be gone in a few days. I just don’t want to give it Paxton.”


Flash forward a few weeks, and we learned that it was just a bug. When I was finishing a painting, Cora approached me and announced that she was pregnant. She was ecstatic, and so was I, but I was also worried. She had never been this week when she had been pregnant with Paxton. I just didn’t want something to be wrong.



The next few months went by slowly. It was harder for Cora to get around, so she mainly stayed in our room or the living room.

Cora and I were sitting on the couch,



Archer was teaching his favorite only niece how to say his name, with much difficulty,


and Daddy was on the phone with Rosi.


All of a sudden, Cora yelped and jumped up in pain with more energy than I had seen in months.  The house was in panic. Cora finally calmed down enough to convince me to get the car ready and take her to the hospital.


We left Paxton with Archer (Yummy) and my Daddy, and I drove as quickly as I could to the hospital.


We left the hospital with the news that we could have no more children. That Cora’s life would be in danger if we tried to have another. Cora was devastated, but tried to make the best of it with what else we left the hospital with:


A healthy, though small, little boy named Rowan Jace, or RJ as we liked to call him. Really though, my children looked more like my father’s than mine, with his eyes and hair, though he had a good combination of mine and Cora’s face. Two toddlers and only one set of parents this time…Fun.

AN: Hey guys! In case you guys couldn’t tell, this generation is coming to a close. I’ll probably have the heir poll after the next chapter. If y’all could, could y’all comment or give me some kind of feedback so I know what you all think or what ideas you have? ‘Cause this could suck, and I have no idea… Thanks guys! Love y’all…Isn’t Archer so yummy though? And cute Uriah being sappy…

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