Generation 2: Chapter 10

AN: Hello Lovelies! Yes, this is the last chapter for Generation 2! I’ll be honest, I got teary-eyed at the the thought of having to say goodbye to Uriah. This chapter is not the greatest in quality, I’ll be honest with you. I do have a somewhat decent excuse, though…Our power went out three times as I was halfway through this chapter…I know, that sucks.

I would like to thank Senkime for allowing me to use her sim Jasmine! Thank you so much! You rock!! 

Be on the look out for the heir poll!


Violet was pissed at me…again. This time, I’m almost positive that it wasn’t my fault. When I asked Miles what I did, he would laugh and say, ” What didn’t you do?”

Really though, I could do without Violet hanging on the arm of male after male. Of course, one those random males were probably taking her to Miles’ party. She would likely hang on his arm all night and throw me satisfied glances while I stood alone.

Well, that just wouldn’t do.


“Dude, I need a date for tomorrow,” I told Miles at the end of the day. He gave me a look that said, ‘ what do you want me to do about it’.

“What about her?” I asked, pointing to a girl who sat reading her book.

“You really want to take that loser?” Miles asked, surprised by my choice. I shrugged.

“If I did, Violet would be pissed that I picked her to take. I mean, just look at her. And if doesn’t work, it’ll still be funny anyways.”


“Do you even know her name?”

“Uh…It’s like Jasmine, or something.” I said. I began to walk towards the nerdy girl, a charming smile on my face. “Hey Jasmine!”


Jasmine looked up from her book, startled, and looked at me with distrust.

“Um…Hey,” She said quietly, not meeting my eyes.


“My name’s RJ.” I said, holding out my hand towards her as a peace offering.

“I-I know who you are.”

“Well, that’s good, Do you also know that there’s a party tomorrow?” Jasmine shook her head. “Would you like to go with me?”

Now, she looked up at me, her eyes wide behind her thick frames. Ha! She’d probably never even spoken to a male. This was perfect!


“Me? You want me to go with you?”

“Of course. I’ll pick you up at 6 tomorrow. How’s that?” I asked, my smile large, inviting, and charming.

“I guess that’s good.”

“Great!” I said, and took a pen from my pocket. I picked up her hand, and didn’t miss the blush covering her face, and wrote my number on her hand. “Just text me your address, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“O-okay.” Jasmine said, finally smiling at me. I winked at her one last time before I walked over to rejoin Miles.


“You’re such a bastard RJ,” He said, laughing as soon as we had walked far enough away so that no one would hear him.

“A smart bastard at that,” I said, joining in on his laughter.


The next day:

Paxton’s POV


“I don’t understand it, Drake. Why does Dad never let me do anything? Seriously, if he wasn’t letting RJ go to Miles’ party, you can be sure that he wouldn’t let me go,” I grumbled, ranting to my favorite cousin, Drake. He had always been there for me, and I considered him more of a brother than RJ.


“He just worries about you, that’s all. I mean, my dad won’t let Spencer do things that I could when I was her age. It’s cause your a girl.” Drake said, leaning against my wall. I sighed in response and went to change my clothes before the party tonight. I emerged from the bathroom wearing an adorable outfit.


“So how do I look? ” I asked Drake, turned away from him, admiring myself in the mirror.


“You’re not wearing that out,” Was the response I got. I huffed, and turned around to see that it was not Drake that answered, but my dad, who had apparently just gotten off work early. Damn.

“But Dad, this cute, and appropriate,” I said, trying to get him to see reason.

“Appropriate for what? A Victoria’s Secret magazine?”


“You always do this! You never let me do what I want to do! Never let me wear what I want to!”

Dad ran a hand through his hair and sighed, already tired of the argument we had almost every day. “Fine. How about this: Put something more appropriate for your age, or you’re not going.”

My flame colored eyes likely looked exactly at fire as I heard his terms. Every time. It wasn’t fair!


“I hate you!” I screamed, and ran back to the bathroom to change, leaving my cousin and dad to look at each other awkwardly.

“So, Hey Uncle Uriah,” Drake said, trying, and failing, to dispel the awkward air.

“Drake…Can you just take care of her? For me?” I heard me dad ask. That was like him. Always looking for someone to take care of me.

“Yes sir,” Drake said, and I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of my forever obedient cousin.

I finally came from the bathroom in a more appropriate outfit, though I had the clothes I wanted in a bag, so that I could change when we arrived at the party.

“Better,” I asked, though I was looking for an answer as I was already leaving, Drake following behind.

“Be careful!” My dad called behind me.


“Whatever.” I answered in response.



I had picked up Jasmine and taken her to the party without any trouble. Miles was holding the party next to small pond that many would call the hangout of the local teens. Jasmine had dress up a little bit for the occasion, though not much.


Now, we stood near tree. Jasmine stood awkwardly, taking in the sight of drunk teens making out. I had asked her more than once if I could get her a drink , though she hastily refused. I myself refused drinks because I wanted to be sober enough to see Violet jealous.

“You having a good time?” I asked. Jasmine didn’t say anything, but nodded. A lie.


“Hey RJ,” I heard and looked over to see Drake and Paxton coming towards me. I looked at the clothes my sister was wearing and my eyes almost popped out of my head.

“Dad let you leave the house wearing that?”

Paxton rolled her eyes at my question. “Of course not. Now who’s this?”

“This is my date, Jasmine.” Paxton gave me a look that said ‘I’ll be asking about this later’.


“Nice to meet you. I’m his sister, Paxton. RJ, just wanted you to know that Purple’s pissed.” Purple was Paxton’s name for Violet. Great! This was exactly what was supposed to be happening.

“Good. Hey Paxton, Drake, will you keep Jasmine company while I got get something to drink?” Paxton huffed, but Drake nodded in compliance.

I walked away, looking for Violet. After about five minutes of fruitless searching, I gave up and made my way over to the alcohol.


“What are you doing here with her?” I heard a voice ask beside. I looked over to see Violet, her perfectly waxed eyebrows furrowed in anger and confusion.

“I could ask the same of you and the jockstrap you brought.”

“He’s just a friend, I really wanted you to bring me, RJ,” She said, the confusion no longer in her eyes, as it had be burned by the growing lust.


“So did I,” I said. And I meant it. It wasn’t that I actually liked Violet, oh no. I just didn’t like to lose. Violet wasted no time wrapping her tiny arms around me and pulling me into a passionate kiss, which I responded easily.


“You jerk!” A voice beside me said. Violet and I broke away to see Jasmine staring at us in awe, tears falling down her face.

“What did you think the ‘J’ stood for, Darling?” I said, my mouth contorted into a smirk. “You didn’t think I actually wanted to bring you, did you?”

A circle began to crowd around us, and the coherent half-way sober teens began to laugh.

“But-” Jasmine tried to blubber out through her tears.


“But what? You’re nothing but a loser.” Jasmine said nothing else, and ran away from the crowd shouted jeers at her. Violet laughs and looks at me, expecting for me to, but I don’t. Instead, I stare at the spot where Jasmine had been standing. I did that. I hurt her.

I didn’t feel as good as I thought I would have. Instead I felt dirty.

The laughing goes on for a while. I don’t feel like joining in on anymore of the festivities of the night. Violet soon becomes irritated that I don’t feel like making out with her, but fine by me.

“The cops are coming!” Someone yells. We all begin to scramble like ants. The sober ones do, at least. The drunk ones barely understand what’s going on, much less what to do.

“Everyone freeze!” A voice shouts. I look up to meet the disappointed eyes of my dad.


Dad was silent the whole ride home as he drove Paxton, Drake, and I home in the back of his cruiser. He dropped Drake off at my aunt and uncle’s house, where my Aunt Rosi stood on the front porch with a furious glint in her eyes.


When we got home and into the house where Mom was up waiting for us, Dad exploded.

“What the hell did you two think you were doing? At a party with alcohol? And you Paxton? You disobeyed me! You wore exactly what I told you not to!”


“What about RJ, huh,” Paxton screamed. “You’re not going to find something to fuss at him about, are you?!? It’s me! It’s always me. I hate you! I hate you so much!”

“Paxton!” My Mom said, trying to stop my sister as she ran through the house to her room.

“Just let her go,” Dad said. He turned his attention towards me, and I gulped. “And you, just go to your room. I can’t even look at you two tonight. I’m so disappointed.”


“I-I’m sorry Dad.” I said, as I walked to my room. Dad ran a hand through his hair, a trait he had picked up ever since Grandpa died, and sighed.

“Rowan Jace, just go.”


Paxton’s POV

That’s it. I’m done. I’m leaving. I buzzed around my room frantically, gathering things in a suitcase. After I had it packed, I opened one of my windows and crawled through.


As soon as I was out, I ran down the street, almost positive I wasn’t in my right mind. I got about a mile before I lost all adrenaline I had gained and had to walk.


“Paxton!” I heard a shout behind me, and looked to see Drake, desperately trying to catch up with me.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He asked as soon as he caught up with me.

“I’m leaving.”

“And going where?”

“I don’t know. Bridgeport, maybe. I just need to go. I can’t anymore.”

Drake sighed. “I’m not going to stop you.”



“But I’m going with you,” Drake said, a smirk on his face. I shook my head is disagreement, but began to think about it for a few seconds.

“Good. Now I won’t be alone.” And then we began to run to where ever the future would take us.

3 thoughts on “Generation 2: Chapter 10”

  1. RJ you poo.You are a massive jerk and poohead. Poor Jasmine :(.
    Nice chapter even with the problem with blacks outs, its still a nice chapter.

    I don’t know who I want for gen three.. yet

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