Generation 4 Heir Poll

*Results Friday, 2:00*

I will not be including baby Hayden in this poll, as he  was a surprise to me as well.

*Looks at RJ and Jane sharply*

Before you read their summaries, just know that Jaden and Gray’s will be intertwined. So if Gray would win, Jaden would still be a major character and vice versa.

If Grace were to win, well, with the plans I have for her, it would be nothing like you’ve ever seen before in a legacy.

Grace’s will start when she’s a teen, and both Gray and Jaden’s will start when they are young adults.

Will one woman tear these brothers apart?

Gray de Marco


Gray is the charismatic twin, the one who always knows what to say. Gray is also carrying out a secret affair with his childhood friend Melly. Jaden, of course knows nothing about this. Follow Gray on his story.

Jaden de Marco


Jaden is the quiet twin, the mastermind of the pair. Jaden is also carrying out a secret affair with his childhood friend Melly. Gray, of course knows nothing about this. Follow Jaden  on his story.

Grace de Marco


Grace didn’t expect for any of this to happen to her. She didn’t expect to get kidnapped, and get thrown into the twisted world of someone unknown. Will Grace escape her new reality unscathed, or will she forget who she is, and remember what she isn’t?

Generation 3: Chapter 10

Grace’s POV

I really don’t understand why Mom and Dad decided to have another kid. It’s bad enough that I have two older brothers to deal with, now I have to fight with someone else for attention.

Well, I get enough of that, being the little girl and all, but what if that changes? What if there’s another girl?


I guess Mom looking like she swallowed a watermelon isn’t all that bad. She’s happy, and so is Dad. Apparently, at least from what Gray and Jaden told me, they weren’t happy for a long time after my Uncle Jacob died. I didn’t really remember him all that well, but he must have been pretty important.


“Mama?” I asked, watching her cook with difficulty as she tried to reach around her large stomach.

“Yes?” She asked, but didn’t look at me, solely concentrated on making supper perfect. I wasn’t sure why, though. Her food was always good. Better than Dad’s anyway. If Mom could never cook for any reason, Gray and Jaden would make it their responsibility to order pizza to prevent Dad from cooking up whatever disaster he could think up.

“What time’s Daddy going to be home?”

“As soon as I finish cooking supper,” She answered, looking at me with a smile on her face.


“When are you going to be done?”

“When I’m done.”

“I don’t like that answer, Mama. Besides, I’m bored.”

“I’m sure your brothers would be willing to entertain you. They should be up in their rooms with Melly. ” I nodded. I liked Melly. She let put on her lipgloss when she brought it, and even told me she would put eyeshadow on my face one day if I asked Mom and Dad if I could.

“What if they don’t?”

“Then tell them I told them to.”

I smiled at Mom and ran off to my brothers. Their door was open, like it always was when Melly was here. Mom liked Melly, she really did, it was just she wasn’t so sure about them leaving the door closed.


“Hey Gracie,” Melly said, a large smile on her face.

” ‘Sup Gracie,” My brothers said at the same time. It was weird how they did it. I guess having a twin was already weird, though.

“Mom says you have to entertain me,” I said, putting my hands on my hips.

Gray looked over at Jaden, and Jaden looked over at Gray.


“Really?” Gray asked.


“And how would we do that?” Jaden asked.


“I don’t know.” I said, shrugging my shoulders. Melly got up and began to walk towards me, and put a hand to my ear, and began to whisper.

“That’s perfect!”

“Supper’s ready!” Mom announced. Gray and Jaden hoped from their chairs and ran towards the dining room as though they would have to chase it down. Melly and I exchanged a glance, and rolled our eyes. We followed them to the dining room, though at a much slower pace.


We arrived just in time for Mom to see Melly and I’s handiwork. She looked at Gray and Jaden with an amused smile on her face.


“You know, I think you could have swapped their shades of eyeshadow, Melly. That way their eyes would have popped more.” She said with a somewhat straight face.

“I let them pick out their own colors, Mrs. de Marco. I’ll confess, they don’t have enough fashion sense to pick the right ones, so it seems.” Melly said, looking sheepish.

“Will you being staying for supper?”

“No. ma’am. Thank you, though. Bye guys,” She said as she left.

“Mama, where’s Daddy?” I asked. She did say he was going to be here when supper was ready.


“He’ll be here in a minute, I just got off the phone with him.” She said. All of a sudden, we all  heard a loud gasp. Mom began gripping her stomach, her face contorted in pain.

“Mom?” Gray asked, his voice panicked.

“One of you, go get the car,” She managed to get out. “Somebody call you father.”

My brothers nodded, and Jaden ran out the door to start the car. Gray whipped out his cellphone.

“Hey Dad,” He said, his voice not nearly as panicky. “I just thought I’d let you know that Mom’s about to have a baby.”

“Mama?” I asked, scared.


“I’m okay, Gracie. I promise,” She said, trying, and failing, to give me a reassuring smile.


Having a baby takes a long time. I’m serious. My brothers, who were receiving funny looks because of their makeover, and I sat in the waiting room for what felt like hours. Gray and Jaden were talking sleepily to each other, and I could feel myself beginning to nod off.

I couldn’t fall asleep, though. I just couldn’t! I tried to find something to do so that I wouldn’t fall asleep. I looked around the waiting room, finding nothing interesting until I saw a boy about my age.


I got up from my chair and walked over to the chair beside his, where I sat down beside him.

“Hi,” I said. The boy glanced over at me, but said nothing.

“My name’s Grace.” Still nothing.

“What’s your’s?” I asked, a little frustrated that he wouldn’t speak to me.


“Cyrus.” It was soft, but I still  heard it all the same.

“Nice to meet you! My Mama’s in here having a baby, so that’s what I’m doing here. What’re you doing here?”

“Waiting on my brother,” He mumbled.

“Why? What’d he do?”

“Broke his foot.”


“Ow. That doesn’t sound nice.” Again, Cyrus said nothing.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” Cyrus shook his head.

“Would you mind if I talked to you?”


“No.” Cyrus said.

“Good,” I smiled. “Let’s see, you know my name. You know why I’m here…Oh! Those two boys sitting over there are my brothers. If you can see, the one sitting closest it Jaden. You can tell by his eyes. I wish I had his eyes. They look like ice. And the one beside him, that’s Gray. We have the same eyes. So does our Daddy. Actually, a lot of people in my family have gold eyes. Do you like my eyes? I like my eyes.”

“They’re pretty,” Cyrus muttered. I almost blushed at the compliment.


“I like your eyes too. They’re a pretty brown.”

“Kids,” My father said, coming into the waiting room. “I want you to meet someone.”

I hopped up from my chair. “I’ll see you at school, right?”

Cyrus looked at me in confusion. “You want to see me at school?”


“Yeah, you’re my friend.” Cyrus smiled, and suddenly looked a lot happier.

“You’ll see me,” He replied.



Gray, Jaden, and Grace were absolutely captivated at the sight of their newest sibling.

“What’s it’s name Daddy? What is it?” Grace asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

” His name is Hayden”


“I like that name,” She said, before letting out a large yawn.

“I think it’s time for you to go home,” I said, ruffling her hair. I looked up at my oldest sons. “I take it that you guys will be alright going home by yourselves?”

“Yeah.” Jaden said.

“We’ll be perfect,” Gray finished.

“And why do you two look like hookers?”

They exchanged looks. “We took one for the team, Dad.”

“Next time, it’s your turn.


Jaden’s POV 

Considering the fact that the new baby cried all the time, Gray and I tried to stay out of the house as often as possible. That meant we spent most of our time hanging out with Melly, which wasn’t that much different than before.

Today, we happened to be in the park. It was hot and we all just about sweated through our shirts.


“Why is it so hot?” Gray gasped out. It was a bit melodramatic, but both Melly and I agreed with him. All of a sudden, the glorious sound of an ice cream truck meet all of our ears. Gray was the first to pop up.

“I’m about to go catch the truck. Do both of you want ice cream? Speak now, or forever hold your peace.”

“Just go Gray! Catch it!” Melly said. Gray nodded and began to chase the music of the truck.

“I always knew he would be the type to chase down an  ice cream truck.” I said, laughing. I looked over at Melly to see her staring at me with a strange look in her eyes.


“Melly?” I asked, though I was cut off by her lips. I’m sure I was clumsy, but Melly seemed to know exactly what to do.

After a few minutes, she broke the kiss, and looked me in the eyes.

“Don’t tell Gray, Jaden. I don’t wan’t him to get mad.” Unsure of how to respond, I shook my head.

“Ice cream all around!” Gray said, running towards us with multiple packs of ice cream in his hands. I looked at Melly, though she wasn’t looking at me.


Gray’s POV

I’ll admit, eating three packs of ice cream probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do on a hot day, but it was well worth it.

Jaden and Melly were rather quiet, but I assumed it was because of how hot it was.

“Hey, do y’all want me to throw those away,” Jaden said, indicating towards the discarded wrappers of ice cream. Melly and I both nodded, and filled Jaden’s hands with the wrappers. He then began his long trek towards the only trashcan in the park, all the way across.

“Gray,” Melly said as soon as Jaden was out of sight. “Look at me.”


I looked over at Melly and suddenly felt the sensation of her lips on mine. This lasted for a few minutes until she finally broke away.

“Don’t tell Jaden. I don’t want him to be jealous.”

AN: That’s it! Generation 3 is officially over! Heir Poll next…Let me just tell you right now that Hayden was not supposed to exist…I log on, and get a notification that Jane’s pregnant…Dang you RJ! So Hayden will not make an appearance in the Heir Poll…But he is a cutie! He’s got Jane’s hair and Jake and Romeo’s(Jane and Jake’s father) eyes!


Generation 3: Chapter 9

Gray’s POV


“Do we have to mom,” I whined, looking up at my mother, who held my sister on her hip. Jaden stood beside me, rolling his eyes. It wasn’t my fault school sucked. Even he would agree with me on that.

“Yes Gray. Don’t whine this morning,” She said, ruffling my  hair. “I’ve heard enough of it from your sister.”


“Where’s Dad?” Jaden asked.


“He got an emergency call this morning,” Mom answered, putting Grace in her highchair.

“I bet somebody got their nose cut off or something,” I said, snickering. Jaden looked at me, and gave a smirk.


“Or they caught their hair on fire.” He said, snickering.

My mother turned and rolled her eyes at us. “Well, that would be rather unfortunate.”

“And funny.”

“Where’s Jake? Shouldn’t he be down by now?” I asked.

“Jake’s sick this morning, so you guys are taking the bus.”

“Gross,” My twin and I said in sync.

She rolled her eyes again, and looked at the clock on the wall.

“Hey, the bus is about to be here. Don’t miss it,” She said, shooing us out the door.

“Do good at school,” She said, though it didn’t really mean much. Jaden and I were the smartest kids in our class. Personally, I think it’s because we have doctor genes, but there’s a funny rumor going around that we can read each other’s minds, and use our mind reading abilities to cheat on tests.

Jake’s POV

I wasn’t the biggest fan of lying, especially not to my sister, but sometimes I just got into one of those moods where I just couldn’t deal with going to school. Today, I was in one of those moods.

Fortunately, I wasn’t going to suffer through this alone. I’d managed to tell my girlfriend, Kaylee, about my plan not to go to school, and she’d followed it as well.

I told Jane not to check up on me, so I should be good for a few hours, I quietly changed, and crept around my room, before silently climbing out the window to meet Kaylee so that we could go to the fair that had just arrived.

Jaden’s POV


At recess, unless there was a major game going on, Gray and I typically kept to ourselves. That normally meant taking up residence on the closest swing set.

Gray and I had each other. We were never lonely, as we were never alone. We had other friends, sure, but when you had the bond of a twin, other friendships seemed insignificant.

We needed each other as well. Gray was the one who typically spoke for us, and I was the one who typically thought for us. We were both intelligent, of course, and both could speak well, but we had found ourselves comfortable in the routine we were in now.


Screenshot-142We had been swinging on the swings for a while, when Gray suddenly jumped right off while still high in the air. I began to slow myself  down in an attempt to stop.

“Why’re you stopping?” My brother asked, puzzled.

“You stopped, soI did too.”

“Oh, well I was just going to the bathroom. It’ll only take a sec.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“Nah, I’ll be fine.”Gray said, and ran off, leaving me alone on the swings.


“Hey you!” A voice called. I looked over to see Scott Forcus, the meanest kid in our grade. Unsure of how to react, I pointed to myself in confusion.

“Yeah, you! Get up freak!” Scared, and a little hurt by what he said, I slowly stood up.


“Your freak brother’s not here, is freak,” Scott spat, looking at me with a hateful glare I wasn’t so sure I deserved.


“He went to the bathroom,” I said,  trying to keep my voice calm.

“Really? Probably to piss his pants like the little girl he is,” Scott said, laughing, reminding me of the nature videos that featured hyenas.


“And what’s so wrong with being like a little girl?” A soft voice asked behind Scott. Scott turned to see a girl I had never seen before. She was wearing a dress, and looked as though she couldn’t hurt a fly.


“Girl’s are stupid and weak.” Scott scoffed. The girl took a long look at him before punching him square in the face. Fat tears began to roll down Scott’s face as his nose bled, and began to run away, sobbing.

I stared at the girl in shock.  She gave me a hard look.

“What’re you starin’ at?” She asked. I began to shake my head frantically.



“Stop mumbling! What are you staring at?” She asked, frustration beginning to show on her face.

“You punched Scott!”

“Didn’t you want to do the same? After all, I heard what he said.”

“I don’t know if I would have punched him.”

The girl threw her hands up in frustration. “There’s just no pleasing you, is there?”

I shrugged, scared to say something that would anger the increasingly intimidating girl.

“I’m Jaden.” I settled for saying.

“I’m Melisandra.”



“Just call me Melly. Everyone does.”


“Jaden! Did you see Scott Forkus crying like a baby?! I swear, I could kiss whoever made that happen,” Gray yelled as he ran towards Melly and I.

“I’ll have to say no to the kiss, if that’s fine with you,” Melly said. Gray looked over at Melly in surprise.

“Dude! That’s awesome!”

“Thanks,” Melly said, a slight smile on her face. “I’m Melly.”


“You’re named after a color? I thought only girls were named after colors.”

Gray blushed for a moment, but then regained what little cool he had. “There aren’t many boys awesome enough to have this name.”

“Okay,” Melly said, nodding her head.


“Hey, do you want to swing with us?” I asked. To both mine and Gray’s surprise, Melly’s slight smile turned into a large grin.

“Sure! I just hope you don’t get mad when I go the highest.”

Gray and I exchanged looks, each thinking the same thing.


This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Jake’s POV

Spending the day with Kaylee at the fair was better than anything I could have done at school. I’d even managed to win her a small bear that was a keychain.


“I wish we could do this everyday,” Kaylee said, looking up at me. I kissed her forehead in response.


“I do too.” Kaylee seemed a little down, so I did something that always made her happy. I lifted her up and kissed her while I held her.

“Jake!” She squealed before kissing me.

I finally put her down. “You know, you leave me breathless.”

Kaylee swatted at my arm. “Don’t even joked about that.”

“I know,” I said, sighing, and holding her close. All of a sudden I began to feel dizzy and clammy. My vision was growing blurry, and my lungs felt as though they were constricting. I was falling.

The last thing I remember hearing was Kaylee screaming my name.



Despite how hard I tried to fight them, tears began to roll down my face as I looked at my brother-in-law. He was paler than usual. His skin looked waxy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Dr. Hamming, a somber look on his face.

“Go tell you wife, RJ. ”

I nodded, and made my way to the waiting room where Jane was waiting alone, as she had dropped the children off at my Uncle Archer’s.


“RJ?” She asked frantically. I looked her in the eyes, and she knew from the tears rolling down my face that he was gone. Large tears began to roll down her own face. I put my arms around her like I did so many years ago in this very room when she learned that her father had died. She’d been waiting here alone then, too.

“I couldn’t save him,” I whispered. She gripped my shirt tightly.

“You tried,” She said in reply. We stood there crying until our bodies ran dry.


Please do not hurt me! I really didn’t want Jake to die! Trust me, I cried about as much as I did when Rowan died. Let’s see, the next chapter is for sure the last chapter of Generation 3, and then there will be the beloved heir poll! Yay! I have to say, I’ve loved RJ so much, it hurts at the thought that I’ve got to let him go…

Generation 3: Chapter 8

AN: What is this?! Two and a half chapters in 1 day! This is ludicrous! I’m on break, and I got really inspired, and I’m also an impatient little twerp. 😛

I was much more on edge when I slept. Most nights I didn’t sleep at all. I would continuously replay the image of Garrett holding gun in front of both my sons. In my dreams, I wasn’t fast enough. I always woke up when the blood splattered on my face.

Nights were better when I had Jane to hold me. Somehow, she and Jake gradually moved into my apartment, for which I was grateful. I’d been meaning to ask them to move in, anyway.

Sometimes, she would have to wake me. She’d rub my forehead, and whisper sweet comforts. “They’re in their room sleeping. Jake’s in there. They’re okay.”

Tonight, the nightmare was even worse. It was the same, Garrett holding a gun front of my sons, but Paxton was also there. She was holding Noah, and sat behind Gray and Jaden. Her face was bruised, and she had cuts that dripped.

“Save me,” She whispered, and the gun went off. Blood splattered, and I awoke.


I sat up quickly. Jane slowly sat up, and put her arm around me, and allowed me to lean my head on her shoulder.

“It was a dream,” She whispered.

“I know.”

“They’re okay.”

“I know.”

“Did you know that I would do anything to protect you, and them?” Jane asked. I looked at her, and smiled.

“I did. You know I’d do the same.”

Jane nodded, and kissed me softly on my cheek. It felt as though feather tickling me.

“Did you know that I loved you?” She asked. I pulled myself away from her, and looked at her in surprise. The moment I saw her curled away Gray to shield him, I’d known I loved the crimson hair woman in front of me. I just wasn’t sure that she felt the same, so I’d stayed silent. Being with a woman and loving one were two very different. And I was only well scripted on the first one.

“Why do you love me?”

“You’re a brilliant father, ” She whispered. I pulled her into my lap, and held her close. “You’re a smart man, a good man. You love your family fiercely.”

“There are a lot of men like that.”

“But I don’t want those men. I want you,” She whispered, repeating the words I’d told her all those months ago before this whole ordeal occurred.

“I’ve loved you for a long time. I realized I loved you when you attempted to shield Gray so he wouldn’t get shot.”


Jane smiled, and kissed me. She pushed me down onto the bed and laid on top of me, still kissing me. Soon, our clothes were shed, and feelings, our bodies were shared. It wasn’t the first time, but it was the one that counted the most.  We didn’t have sex. We made love.

I was doctor. I wasn’t stupid. Really, I found it almost comical that I realized it before she did.

I first began to grow suspicious when she couldn’t keep any of her food down. My suspicion grew when I held her breasts and saw her wince in pain due to soreness. My last piece of evidence was the fact that she had bouts of dizziness that left her curled up in a ball until it past.

“RJ,” She yelled, calling to me from the bathroom on one of my off days. She stood hunched over the sink, a pregnancy test in her hand, and a worried expression her face.

“Yes?” I asked, feigning ignorance.


“RJ, I’m pregnant.” She said, wincing as she said it.  I looked at her for a few seconds before a smile appeared on my face.

“I already figured it out.” Jane’s face contorted into frustration, and she moved to hit my chest, before resting her head on it.



“I’m a doctor. I wouldn’t be a very good one if I couldn’t figure out that my girlfriend was pregnant.”

“I hate you so much,” She muttered. I began to rub her back, and she sighed in contentment.

“I know.”


We never talked about marriage. Never mentioned it. But, somehow, we ended up at the courthouse three months before the baby ( I must refer to the baby as the baby because Jane refused to let me check the sex. She wouldn’t even let me do the ultrasounds or be her doctor, because she wanted us to be surprised. Honestly, that woman.) was due.

It wasn’t the most romantic thing, but we decided that it was perfect. Our guests were Archer and his family, Jake, Gray, and Jaden. Archer gave me a stern glare and a good-natured speech of how my mother wasn’t going to be very happy about missing her only son getting married, but otherwise, he was happy, and relieved, especially after he learned what happened all those months ago.


Jane and I kissed after we signed our wedding certificate, and our little gathering gave a small round of applause, even Gray and Jaden who clapped happily. For them, nothing would be different, as they had already called Jane “Mama” long before she became pregnant.



Those three months went by rather quickly, and I soon found myself sitting in a chair beside my wife who held my hand in death grip. She refused any form of pain medicine, something I found preposterous, and screamed so loud I was sure my parents all the way in Appaloosa Plains could hear her.


“Just a few more pushes Mrs. de Marco.”

Jane pushed once more, and the grip on my hand became even more painful, though I really had no room to talk about pain. One last contraction hit Jane, and soon she stopped pushing and a baby began to cry. Jane looked over at me, sweaty with her chest heaving, and smiled.

“It’s a girl!” Dr. Hamming proclaimed. I took Jane’s hand that was still clasped to my own and kissed.

“A girl,” I whispered.

“Grace,” She said in return.

“Grace de Marco.”

AN: So, I couldn’t just put you through all that stress in the previous chapter, and then give more angst. Well, there’s a little angst, but I think was expected, especially when you consider what happened. I really love RJ to death, along with Jane. You just don’t know. And Grace! I had the hardest time coming up with a name for that child! But she’s absolutely adorable! Here, take a look: 


In case you couldn’t tell since it’s oddly dark, Grace has Jane’s hair and RJ’s eyes…She takes more after the de Marco side,and actually looks a lot like Paxton did.


Generation 3: Chapter 7.5

AN: No pictures with this…It seemed like they would be repetitive…Hope this clears stuff up. I also felt like this was needed, I just wasn’t sure where, so now it is a between chapter!

“Why?” I asked my father, who stared at me with regret and shame. My mother looked even worse, and wouldn’t even stand to meet my eyes. The ordeal, as I’ve aptly named it, happened less than a week ago, and my parents had just arrived from Appaoloosa Plains.

“Rowan Jace, We never thought-” My father began, but I cut him off.

“Y’all never thought at all,” I replied bitterly. My father sighed and walked closer towards me.

“You’ve got to understand that when your mother killed Clarke, we thought that was it. That it was over.”

“How did you not think into the matter any further?”

“We wanted to forget,” My mother whispered.

“Yeah, well, look where your forgetting got us,” I answered bitterly.

“RJ, come here. Sit by me,” My mother said, patting down on the vision beside her. I stared at her for a few moments until I finally complied to her wishes

“I didn’t know that my Papa ran that, RJ, not until he decided that I could be used as bait. I knew he wasn’t a good man, but I loved my Papa, as did Lars.”

“Did you know that my Mama died from falling down the stairs? She broke her neck,” My  mother recounted, not meeting the eyes of me or my father. Judging by the look on his face, he’d never heard this story either.

“I remember standing at the bottom of the stairs with Lars, waiting for Mama and Papa to come down to take us to the fancy restraunt they had promised. I was wearing a dress, and Lars was wearing a nice overcoat, though he was complaining that it itched him.”

“Suddenly, we heard screaming at the top of the stairs. My father stood in front of my mother, his face red with anger. My mother was crying and screaming at him, calling him a “Monster”.  And then it happened. She tumbled down the stairs, and suddenly she was lyjng at my feet, her neck bent at awkward angles.”

“For the longest time, Lars and I thought that motion he had made towards Mama was to keep her from falling, but it was Lars who figured it out years after both of them were dead. He pushed her.”

“He killed my Mama. He forced Uriah to commit terrible acts. He kidnapped me and my brother. Heis responsible for the death of more people than I could count. That’s why we didn’t tell you, or Paxton.”

As much as I wanted be mad at her, at them,  I couldn’t. My father had moved to sit on the other side of my mother, and held her tightly.

My father turned towards me, an apology in his eyes. I sighed, and joined my family’s embrace, because I knew I couldn’t be angry.

Generation 3: Chapter 7

AN: Once again a little sparse in the picture department…Stupid Sims being stupid…Please enjoy and don’t hurt me.


“Put down my sons,” I growled through clenched teeth. Jessica looked at me and smirked, running a delicate hand over Jaden’s thick hair. He recognized her, and was comfortable in her arms. Gray, on the other hand, my son who never meets a stranger, looked oddly uncomfortable in Elsa’s arm. His eyes were large, and he squirmed in her grip.

“RJ, love, they’re just as much my sons as they are yours. Don’t you remember that I’ve known them longer than you have? I actually gave birth to them. No, RJ, they’re not just your sons.”


“Jessica, you lost custody of them when you were sent to prison. You shouldn’t even be near them. Just put Jaden down.”

Jessica’s icy eyes flashed in anger, but she quickly hid it, and instead retained her smirk.

“No, I don’t think I will.”

I wanted to scream at both women. I wanted to hurt them in unimaginable ways for touching my sons, but I resisted, as I knew that I had to keep the boys calm, and that I was at the mercy of the two women who held the tiny live of sons.

“How are you even here right now? Last I heard, you were in prison on several charges.”

Jessica glanced at Elsa and smiled. “I had a little help.”


Elsa looked at me and smirked. “RJ, I told you. Didn’t you listen to my message?”

“Who in the hell are you?”

“I told you. My name is Elsa. Elsa Anderson.”


“Anderson?” I gasped, looking at Elsa in a new light. This woman was related to me, and likely was apart of the Anderson mafia.

“Oh no, looks like the cat’s out of the bag. Hello, cousin.”

“How?” I asked, thinking of nothing else I could say.

“Clarke Anderson, your grandfather, was the brother of my grandfather, Richard Anderson. While Clarke held his base in Isla Paradiso, Richard, held his in Moonlight Falls. ”

“And these sins you want me to pay for?”


“Not me, my grandfather,” Elsa replied, sighing and rolling her eyes as though she was bored by that fact. “Your parents lost the Anderson family millions because of the death of your grandfather.”

“And why are you making me pay for them?”

“Ugh, not me! Unfortunately for you, I don’t know.”


“RJ?” A groggy voice said from the door. We all turned to see Jane wearing one of my large shirts to cover her naked body.

“So that’s what your whore looks like,” Jessica stated, looking at Jane in a green manner.

“Jane,” I whispered, and pulled her close, as if to protect her.

“Jessica, we need to go. Garrett’s waiting for us downstairs.” Elsa said, looking at her phone.

“You heard her. RJ, Whore, start walking,” Jessica said. All of a sudden, Gray began to cry in Elsa’s arms.  She looked at him with a panic expression on her face.


“Make it stop!”

“Give him to me and he will,” I said, holding out my arms.

“No! You’ll just run!”

“Allow me to assure, I wouldn’t leave one of my sons behind. Now give me Gray, because he obviously doesn’t like you.” Elsa looked at Gray, then to Jessica, and then to me. She sighed, and held Gray out. I took into my arms and began to pat soothingly. He calmed after a few seconds.

“Now go,” Jessica said, indicating towards the stairs. We all made our way downstairs. In the living room, there was the figure of a large man standing. Waiting.

“Garrett! Are you ready?” Jessica almost screamed. The man, Garrett, turned and I suddenly knew who he was. He had the same yellow-green eyes that I’d looked into for months while Paxton still lived here.


Garrett was Noah’s father.

A sudden feeling of hatred, even more than I had been feeling prior, ran through me as I looked at the man who abused my sister.

“Are you freakin’ ready to go, or what?” He asked, his voice coarse, like a smoker’s.

We left my apartments, (they hadn’t allowed us to change. I suppose to make this even more humilating.)and gathered behind the building where a van was sitting. Before we got in, Garrett tied blindfolds around our eyes. He did Jane’s first, and seemed to enjoy a little too much. I wanted to hit him, but I knew anything I did would have an even greater, much more unpleasant reaction.

He finally finished with her, and looked over at me.

“So, your my bitch’s brother?” I didn’t anything, and began biting my tongue.

“You know,” Garrett whispered. ” I had a fun time screwing her until she screamed. Who knows, I might go look for her. And her bastard.”

I bit down harder, and began to taste blood in my mouth.

We drove for what felt like hours. Though I couldn’t see, I could tell from the low, consistent breathing near me that Gray and Jaden had managed to fall asleep. Really, they shouldn’t have been tired, but I was grateful that they were.

When we finally stopped, I carefully picked up one of my sons, though I couldn’t tell which,  and handed him to Jane to carry. She took him without saying a word, and gave my arm a comforting squeeze. I grabbed my other son, and allowed myself to be lead by one of our captors.

I could tell when we stepped inside, because the air was warmer. We were lead to another room, where we finally stopped.

“You can remove those now,” A voice I wasn’t familiar with said. Someone came up behind me, and removed the blindfold.

I blinked a few times, as my eyes had yet to adjust to the light. I looked over at Jane to make sure that she was okay, and breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that she was. I looked down at the boy in my arms to discover that I was carrying Jaden. I held him tighter. Jessica saw this, and wrenched him from m grasp.


I looked around the room we were in. It was nice, and looked expensive. We weren’t the only occupants, though. An older man stood in front of us, and I could by the way his aura demanded attention that this was Richard Anderson.

“Rowan Jace, I’m so glad you could make it,” He said. “In case you were too dense to figure it out, I’m Richard Anderson, your great uncle.”

Richard Anderson sounded like the humanized version of a snake. His gaze was unnerving, as it was unfaltering and seemed to know everything.


“You’re probably wondering about, well, everything. Right?”


I didn’t answer. Richard shot Garrett an exasperated look. Garrett nodded, and moved forward. I hadn’t anticipated his move, so the pain in my abdomen after his fist collided with it was an unpleasant surprise that took my breath away, leaving me gasping. Was this how Jake felt when it got harder to breathe?

After a few seconds, Garrett pulled me to my feet.

“Now, answer my question.”


“Yes, sir.”

” ‘Sir’, I like that. Maybe your damn parents did raise you with a bit of respect.” Richard sais, smiling. His teeth were yellow and tobacco stained.

“Let’s see. You’re aware of the fact that your parents killed my brother, aren’t you.”



“Do you also know that even when your parents thought they’d escaped us, they’d been sorely mistaken?”

I gave him a rueful grin. ” I figured.”

“Did you also know that when your sister ran away, it was us that found her. Without me, your sister and cousin would have been dead on the streets. I allowed her a place to stay, a job, money. I even gave her a boyfriend,” Richard said, motioning his hand towards Garrett. “I was grooming her, building her up until I could completely extract my revenge. I even allowed Garrett to have his fun with her.”

“It was Clarke’s other grandson that ruined it, though. And we lost track of Paxton until she ended up with you.”

Really, these twisted stories of my family made me want to squirm. I felt bile rise in the back of my throat, but I took deep breaths in order for it to go back down.


“Don’t think we weren’t keeping track of you. You, the young, successful doctor who had moved to Bridgeport to escape his family’s grief. I knew you liked to have fun with women, and what better woman to send to gain your trust, than Jessica.”

I looked over at Jessica. She smirked at me, pride written on her face.

“Unfortunately, she made the mistake of falling in love with you, and conceiving your bastards. To make it even worse, she went got herself arrested. She was just lucky I was in a forgiving mood.” Jessica’s pride melted off her face, and she looked at Richard in shock.

“Now, that you know, it’s time to extract this revenge. Garrett, grab a child.”

Garrett began to advance towardsJessica,a shark-like smirk on his face. She held Jaden close, and turned to back away from the approaching monster.

“Resist and they die.”

She had no choice, and she held Jaden out to Garrett, even though he clung to her shirt and began screaming, causing his twin to scream as well.

Garrett looked at Richard for further instruction.


“The children first. Then the girl. I want him to suffer.” Garrett nodded, and my eyes never left the sight of him putting Jaden down beside the wall. Garrett then took out a gun that glinted under the artificial light.

“No!” Jessica and Elsa screamed, fear written on both of their faces. I’m sure it was written on mine as well, but I felt nothing.

“You said that they wouldn’t be harmed!” Jessica screamed. Richard looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

“I lied.”

“Grandfather, please! There must be another way. The boys are innocent!”


“And?” He asked, as if that wasn’t a valid enough reason for him not be responsible for murder.

Suddenly, all the feeling that had left me returned in a large burst, and I  didn’t think, I acted, I rushed towards Garrett and jumped on him, trying to pry the gun away from his hands. I had managed to turn him away from Jaden when two gunshots went off. Two screams sounded.

Garrett began trying to point the gun at me while I was on top of him, though his angles were awkward, and I he finally held it in a position so that when he turned it, the hole was directly in front of his head. I put my hand around his which held the gun, and pulled the trigger. A last gunshot went off, and Garrett stopped fighting me.

I fell to the ground, and crawled towards Jaden who was screaming louder than ever before. I gathered myself, and picked Jaden up. It was then I remember Jane and Gray.

“Jane! Gray!” I shouted, turning to where they had been standing. Jane lay on the ground, curled around Gray to shield him from anything.

“Jane!” I shouted once more, running towards them with Jaden in my arms.

She lifted her crimson head. “We’re okay, RJ. I promise.”

I looked at her and kissed her fiercely, scared that someone would come and take my family away from me once again.

I finally broke away and turned to where Richard had been standing. Instead of the powerful old man standing before us, he lay in a crumpled heap, no breath leaving his body.

“RJ, look,” Jane whispered, pointing at Jessica propped against the wall, blood flowering on dress. I gave Jaden to Jane and ran over to Jessica, who was breathing in short, gasped breaths.


“RJ,” She managed to get out. She grasped my hand and pulled me forward with a force I never would have expected her to have when she was in such a state. “I love you,”

I nodded. “I know.”

“I-I love them too,” She whispered.

“I know,” I repeated.

“Don’t tell them about me,” She gasped out.


“No, RJ.” She said, and took one final breath. Her icy blues eyes still stared at Gray and Jaden, even in death.

“I’ve called the police,” A voice said. I looked over to Elsa enter the room, though I hadn’t even noticed she’d left.

“I didn’t know he would go that far.” She said, her voice weak. “I couldn’t let him do that. My brother was a little older than they were when he was killed by a gun. An innocent little boy, screaming from a gunshot wound. I-I couldn’t listen to that again.”

Elsa had silent tears falling down her cheeks, and I could tell that there was more to her story than she was letting on, but none of us asked what it was.

I walked back over towards Jane and enveloped all three of them into a large embrace, and didn’t let go until the police arrived.

Generation 3: Chapter 6

AN: Not nearly as many pictures as I would have liked…My game was being stupid and laggy. I’m trying to dish out these chapters as fast as possible since I got a new computer and would like to move my game on to it, but don’t want to lose all my progress. Anyway, Merry Christmas! Sorry if it sucks!

Archer opened his door with an irritated expression on his face, likely due to my unrelenting ringing of his doorbell.

“I just got Emma down for a nap,” He almost growled.


“Archer, tell me the truth. How did my Uncle, your brother, Rowan, die?” Archer’s blue eyes grew wide, and all irritation on his face melted away, and instead it turned a pale color, as if he’d seen a ghost.

“Come in RJ. It’s a long story.” He led me to the family room, and sat down on one the chairs, looking oddly uncomfortable.


“RJ, you’ve got to understand that the death of our mother almost killed you dad. He was about the same age as Kaylee when he lost her.” Archer started.

“What about you?”

“I never got to meet her, literally. She died in a car accident, and it was fortunate that her uterus hadn’t be punctured and no harm came upon me. She was beautiful, though. Uriah looks just like her. I remember when I was younger, I used to pretend I could see her, as if she was a ghost.” Archer’s eyes glazed over as he remembered his youth.

“As he got older, Uriah became more distant. He would come home late at night smelling like beer and cigarettes. Our father and Rosi, for the most part, chose to ignore it, hoping that it was just a phase that he would grow out of. I was too young to know any different. Rowan, though, he knew exactly what was going on, and how it was hurting Uriah.”

I tried to imagine my father a stupid teenager who drank and smoked, but I couldn’t. I could only see the man in the officer’s uniform that loved his family fiercely.


“When he became an adult, something happened. Somehow, he got dragged into the mafia that was centered in Isla Paradiso, which was where we lived before moving to Appaloosa Plains. Long story short, your father messed up, big time. Uriah would go out on missions assigned to him by the mafia boss, who he didn’t know at the time, and was required to kill those who didn’t follow the boss’s rules.”

My gold eyes widened in shock. My father, killing people for a mafia boss? Things like this didn’t happen to normal people…It was…too surreal.

I began to speak, but Archer raised his hand, indicating for me to stop. I closed my mouth and continued to listen.


“Your father, however, was very much opposed to the idea, so he lied. He would go out to his victims, and tell them to run away, to make it seem as though he had killed them. It worked for a while too. By the time the mafia boss figured it out, Rowan had begun going on missions with Uriah to keep him safe. Uriah would always come home with large gashes on his face, and some nights he could barely stand.”

“Rowan was worried, and finally convinced Uriah to allow him to come. During this time, Uriah had begun seeing your mother as well, until he learned who her father was.”

“Her father? My grandfather?”


Archer nodded solemnly. “His name was Clarke Anderson. Clarke Anderson also turned out to be the mafia boss Uriah had been taking orders from.”

“What?! I-But-” I couldn’t formulate complete words. I couldn’t think, so I shut my mouth and listened to Archer’s story once more.

“Another long story made short, Clarke learned that your father had been lying to him, so he threatened Uriah with someone he knew Uriah would do anything to save: Your mother.”


My mouth was dry. My brain was like cotton.


“Uriah and Rowan went on their last mission to save your mother, and your Uncle Lars, and in the process, Rowan threw himself in front of a bullet to save Uriah. Uriah threw himself on top of his brother, and didn’t notice Clarke advancing.”


“The next thing Uriah knew was that he heard a gunshot, and looked to see Clarke falling to the ground, dead, and your mother holding smoking gun. ” Archer finished, looking at me expectantly.


“And we packed up and moved to Appaloosa Plains, and the rest is history.

I held my head in my hands. “I just don’t know what to think.”


“That’s how I felt when Uriah sat me down and explained the whole story to me. I was about fifteen when I knew the whole truth.”

“But why didn’t they tell us? Why did they lie to us?”

“RJ, look at me,” Archer said, his blue eyes demanding my attention. “Imagine trying to explain that to your sons.”

I couldn’t imagine it, which was the problem. I wanted to be angry, but realized I couldn’t.

“Only your parents, Rosi, Lars, me, and you are the only ones living that know. I haven’t even told Sora.”


“No,” I said. “That’s not all. I had a woman visit me today. She said her name was Elsa, and that she had a message for me.”

“RJ, what was the message?”

“I had been picked to pay for my parents’ sins.”

The blood drained from Archer’s face. “Are you sure that’s what she said?”



“RJ, listen to me. Go home, make sure your boys are okay. Take a few days leave from the hospital, just so you can be sure they’ll be fine. I’m going to call Cora and ask if there are any other Andersons that she knows of that could be connected to the mafia business Clarke built up in Isla Paradiso.”

I rushed home as quickly as I could. My hand shook as I tried to fit my key into my apartment. I finally got it in, and pushed the door open as fast a I could. I ran into the living room to see Jane, looking startled at my frantic arrival, sitting on a chair beside the couch which held both of my sleeping boys.

“RJ, I was getting worried. I was about to call-” She cut herself off as I rushed towards her and grabbed her gently on the shoulders.

“Y’all are all okay, right?”

Jane looked at me confused, but nodded her head just the same.

“And Jake? Where’s he?’

“At a friend’s house. RJ, what’s wrong?”

“I-I just need to make sure they, and you , were okay.”

Jane smiled. “We’ve been fine. I’m just glad they tired themselves out. They were quite the pair today.”

I didn’t answer, but instead gave her a weak smile. That didn’t seem to appease her, however, as she put her hands on my both my cheeks and looked me worriedly in the eye.


She didn’t look long. I did precisely what my head told me not to do, and kissed her. She felt warm, and comforting, and like something I needed.

I broke away from her kiss, and rested my forehead on her own.

“Stay, tonight. I don’t want to be alone.”

We put the sleeping twins in their cribs, and I triple checked each lock to make sure that it was secure. Jane kept asking what had me so spooked, and each time I answered her with the weak answer of ‘just a feeling’. After a while, she stopped asking, but I knew I would have to answer her sometime.

We found ourselves standing outside the twins’ room, with nothing left to secure, no left to put to bed. Jane looked at me shyly, in a way that reminded me of when I had just met her. Not at all like the woman I had kissed downstairs.


I put my hands on her shoulders and pulled her close. She looked at me with large, sea eyes.


“Did you mean it, when you kissed me?”

I looked at her in surprise, but nodded my head just the same.

“Because I know you’ve been with a lot of women, and I’m nothing like them-” I cut her off with my lips.

“I don’t want them. I want you.”


Jane nodded, and I noticed a newfound confidence grow in her eyes. She leaned up and kissed me, hard. My finger tangled in her delicate, crimson hair, and soon I had lifted her up and carried her to my room.


I laid her on the bed, and crouched over her. She looked at me with a lust I’d never seen in her before.

“Do you want this?” I whispered, my voice low, husky.

“I want you,” She replied, repeating my own words. I accepted her answer, and for a few ecstasy filled hours, forgot about my own fears, my own problems.


I woke up around sunrise, and noticed a sleeping Jane beside me. I smiled at the crimson-haired woman, Her skin was flushed, and her hair was tangled like a halo around her head, but she was perfect. I’d never had such a peaceful sleep.

My perfect world was short-lived, however. I heard the low voice of a woman talking in another room. I silently crept from my bed and grabbed a pair of discarded pants, and made my way to the upstairs door. I put an ear to the door, which led to the boys’ room, and listened, though I couldn’t make out anything thing.

I slowly opened the door.


“Hello RJ,” Jessica said, smirking as she held Jaden. Behind her, Elsa stood with Gray in her arms.

I opened my mouth to say something, but Jessica but a finger to her lips before I could speak.

“Shh. Your whore is sleeping.”

Generation 3: Chapter 5

AN: I’d say this is about a month or two after the last chapter time wise.


Did you know that when one child starts crying, the other is not far behind?


I sighed as I reluctantly left my warm bed. The clock flashed green, showing that it was almost 2 in the morning. I turned the clock over, so that I couldn’t see it mock me.


I reached the boys’ room to see Gray standing up in crib, crying his eyes out. I grabbed him from the crib, and began to pat him soothingly.

“Hey buddy,” I whispered. Gray looked up at me with my own golden eyes, the only difference would be that his were clouded by tears. “What’s wrong, huh?”

I was positive he wasn’t hungry, and he didn’t need to be changed. “Did you just want me?”

Gray slowly stopped crying and looked up at me with what I could only take to be as a mischievous glint.


“You are a little snot, aren’t you?” I asked him jokingly. I then heard a whimper coming from the other crib, and I looked to see Jaden standing up, looking at me with wide, ice blue eyes.


“Okay, I guess we’re sleeping with Daddy.” I grabbed Jaden in my other arm, and carried both boys to my room. There, I laid them on my bed, and all three of us made ourselves comfortable.


I woke up again a few hours later, and readied myself for work as quietly as I could. I crept down the stairs, but not before building a wall of pillows around the boys to prevent them from falling off the bed. A quiet knock at the door hastened my pace.


I opened the door to see Jane along with a drowsy looking Jake.

“Good morning RJ,” Jane chirped.

“Good morning Jane, Jake.” Jake groaned in response, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the boy.  “What’re you doing here so early, dude?”

Jake said nothing, but glared at Jane. In response, Jane rolled her eyes at her brother. “I’m sure you remember that he’s got an appointment with you today, and I figured it’d just be easier to send him with you.”

“Not a bad idea.”


“Did you really have to take her side? I don’t even get up this early for school.” I laughed at him once again, and ruffled his crimson hair before going to get myself dress



“Jake, have you even been using your inhaler?” I asked, Jake, looking at him in surprise due to how bad his breathing sounded. Jake didn’t meet my eyes, and began fiddling with his fingers.

“Well?” I asked again.


“I didn’t think I needed it anymore. I only use it if it gets really hard to breathe. I’m sorry, RJ.”

“Jake…Does Jane know?” Jake shook his head, causing me to sigh in disappointment.

“Jake, that inhaler is one of the only things keeping you breathing. You need to use it everyday.”

Jake looked up a me sharply, his pink eyes flashing with anger. “I don’t want to use it everyday! I just want to be normal!”


Jake jumped from his chair and ran from the room.

“Jake!” I called after him. I began to run towards him, but before I left, I grabbed a spare inhaler kept on hand for the staff in case a patient began need one immediately.

I ran into the waiting room, but Jake was nowhere in sight. I turned towards the nearest nurse, who happened to be Ella, and looked at her in desperation.

“He ran left towards the park, RJ,” She answered, not at all seeming bothered by seeing a child flee the hospital.

“Thanks,” I said, and ran towards the direction she gave me.


When I made it to the park, I saw Jake sitting on a bench beside a soccer field. He was hunched over, and I could see his body shake with each ragged breath he took. I shook my head, and walked towards him.


“Here,” I said, holding out the inhaler towards him. Jake looked at me, shame in his eyes, and eagerly grabbed the inhaler and began to greedily suck the air into his lungs. I sat down beside him.

“What did I tell you about running?” I asked jokingly, though we both knew that it was no laughing matter. Jake didn’t answer, but eyed me wearily.


“Did you know that when I was sixteen, my sister ran away from home?”

Jake finally finished gathering his breath. “Really?”

“Yeah. She didn’t get along with my dad well. They were always arguing. Anyway, she ran away to get away from her problems.”


“And did she get away from them?”

I shook my head. “No. In fact, she made them worse, and gained new problems. What I’m trying to say is that, running away solves nothing.”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that,” Jake muttered, rubbing his chest as though he was in pain.


“For you, literally running makes things worse.” Jake glared at me, though he dropped it after a few seconds.

“RJ, I just want to be normal. I want to play baseball. I want to play tag at recess. I just want to run and not have worry about stopping breathing.”

“I know. I also know that there is no one, other than Jane, that wants that for you the way I do.”


“Wanting something doesn’t always make it happen.”

“You only get what God thinks you can handle. He gives his strongest soldiers the toughest battles.”

Jake looked at me in surprise. ” Where did you hear that?”

“I heard my mom say that to my dad once, after Paxton ran away.”


“So does that mean I’m strong?”

“The strongest.”

“Thanks RJ,” Jake said, his eyes large.

“Anytime. How about we stop and pick up some ice cream, and then I’ll take you back to my apartment to help Jane with the twins?”

Jake perked up at the promise of ice cream, and play time with Gray and Jaden. He had taken up the unofficial role of ‘big brother’ and always made sure to play with them every chance he could.

After I’d taken Jake back to my apartment, and dealt with other appointments throughout the day, I had nothing to do in my office but twiddle my thumbs and stare at the wall. It seemed like a good idea to invest in a dartboard, despite how unprofessional it would seem.


“Dr. de Marco, You’ve got a visitor.” A nurse said over the intercom connected to my office.

“Send them in,” I answered back. The intercom turned off, and I turned my attention towards the door as I waited for this unexpected visitor.


The person who arrived at the door exceeded all expectations I held for the visitor to have. She was stunning, and held herself with a powerful, and sensual, aura. “Good afternoon RJ.”

“Do I know you?”

“No, RJ, but I know you,” She said, never faltering with her eye contact.

“Really?” I asked, skeptical.


The woman looked at me and smirked. “Your full name is Rowan Jace de Marco. You are the only son  of Uriah de Marco and Cora Anderson. You a have one sister named Paxton. You have two children named Gray and Jaden. You are 27, and were born and raised in Appaloosa Plains. Shall I continue?”

I continued to stare at the woman with a fierce look, but inside, I was nothing but nerves. How did she know all of my personal information? “No.”

“Good boy, RJ. Now,” She started, walking towards me. I slowly got out from my chair, and backed away the same amount of steps she was walking towards me, until I hit the wall. The woman smiled and put her hands on both sides of my head. “I’ve come to deliver a message.”

“A message?”


“Yes, though you’ll likely find it more threatening than anything, but first,” She said, finishing her sentence with a rough kiss. Following my instincts, I kissed the woman back, but it felt wrong.

She broke away, a bewildered look on her face. “I knew you’d be good, but not that good.”


I don’t say anything to her, but eye her carefully. “The message?”

“Right,” She said, as though she had forgotten. “Your parents’ sins still have to be paid for RJ, and it’s been determined that it is you who will pay them.”

“What sins? What are you talking about?”


The woman shook her head. “I suggest you ask you father, or better yet, your Uncle Archer. Ask him why you have the name you do. Why you bear the name of their dead brother.”

I knew why my name was Rowan, in honor of my Uncle who died before I was born. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that no one in my family elaborated on his death, though I’d thought it to be out of grief, and whenever I asked or Paxton a asked when we were younger, someone would always change the subject.

“Is that all? You’ve said all you came to say?”



“Then get out,” I said through clenched teeth. The woman smirked and began to walk out of my office.

“My name is Elsa, by the way,” She called. I stood still a couple of minutes, trying to process what I’d been told. I then made the split second decision of running out my office straight towards Archer’s house.


AN: Cliffhanger, simply because I’m a terrible person. Not really, well I suppose that is a matter of opinion, but only because I like them. When I’m on the right end of them, I mean.

Okay, so this picture gives me life!


Also, did you know that under all that bad skin and bad hair, Gunther Goth is actually a looker?


Last, but not least, I found twin toddler poses! Look at these cuties:



Generation 3: Chapter 4


AN: Merry Christmas! My gift to you is this extremely long, Christmasy-ish chapter. 

A few months later.

It had grown cold in Bridgeport, which was expected during the arrival of winter. It didn’t always snow, but you could almost guarantee that it sure felt like it should.


Noah was a happy baby, though he was a bit of a light sleeper. Paxton turned out to be a brilliant mother, even though there were times when she would doubt herself, blame herself for things that weren’t in her control.


I walked into her room, looking for her. I finally found her standing over Noah’s crib. I came up beside her, though she didn’t seem to notice.


“Archer invited us over to his house for Christmas,” I whispered. Paxton took her gaze away from her sleeping son and finally seemed to notice I was there.


“Oh,” She said, returning her gaze to Noah. We both stood there a while, staring at the consistent rise and fall of his small chest.

“Noah has his eyes,” She whispered suddenly. His, as in his father.

“I love Noah, I love him so much that it hurts. It’s just, sometimes, I’ll look into his eyes and see Garrett’s. I try to remember that Noah’s not Garrett, RJ. I do. ” Paxton continued, her gaze never leaving her son. He held many of her features, right down to the blond hair possessed by our father, and grandmother before him. I’d known where his eyes had come from. No one in our family possessed that mixture of green and yellow.

“You’ve got to let him know that, Pax.”Screenshot-33

“I know. It’s just, one day, I’m going to look into his eyes, and see his father’s looking back at me,” She said, turing her head towards me to reveal large tears rolling down her cheeks.


I put an arm around my sister and held her close.

“He used to hurt me, RJ,” Paxton said, though it was muffled against my chest.  “I would look up into his eyes and see nothing but anger. And now Noah has his eyes. I’m scared that because I think of Garrett  when I look into Noah’s eyes, I’m not going to be a good mother.”

“Paxton, let me damn well assure you that you are one of the greatest  mother’s I’ve ever met. You love him unconditionally, and you take care of him to the best of your abilities. If that’s not a good mother, then I sure as hell don’t know what is.”

Paxton raised her head from my chest. “When did my little brother learn all the right words to say?”

“When he earned his Doctorate degree,” I mumbled. Paxton rolled her eyes, and softly swatter my shoulder.


“So, Jane, I was wondering if you and Jake would like to spend Christmas with my family, since… you know… it’ll be different this year. I’m actually spending it at my Uncle’s house, um, the father of one of Jake’s classmates, Kaylee. So, if you’d like to, that’d be great. I just don’t want you two to be alone. Just call me and tell me what you think. Uh, bye. Oh, wait! This is RJ,” I said as I hastily left Jane a message. I honestly sounded like a nervous teenager. God, what’s wrong with me?

My phone began to go off, and I grabbed at it embarrassingly fast, hoping that maybe she had gotten my message. I was sorely disappointed to see that it was an unknown number.

“Dr. Rowan de Marco?” Asked a voice on the other end.


“This is he.”

“Dr. de Marco, do you know anyone by the name of Jessica Witman?” This peaked my interest. I hadn’t heard from her in almost a year.

“Yes, I do, though I haven’t seen her in a while.”

“Dr. de Marco, would you mind coming to the Bloom Wellness Facility in Moonlight Falls as soon as possible?” Moonlight Falls?


“What business do I have in Moonlight Falls that concerns Jessica?”

“Dr. de Marco, I cannot disclose any information unless it is person,” The voice said, a hint of snark in their tone. I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“You’re lucky it’s only a two hour drive form here,” I said, and abruptly hung up my cellphone.

I called Paxton while on my way to Moonlight Falls, giving her a lame excuse of having an emergency doctor’s convention. She didn’t seem to believe me, but sounded too tired to argue.

I arrived at the Bloom Wellness Facility at around sunset. I walked into the doors and was greeted with the familiar, sterile smell of a hospital.


“Rowan de Marco,” I said to the nurse at the front desk. ” I got a call telling me I need to be here.”

The nurse searched her computer. ” Ah Ha! Found you! You must be here to see Margaret.”

“I suppose. I wasn’t exactly told a name.” The nurse shook her head in annoyance, as if that was a common occurrence.


“I swear, that woman. So old she’s turned batty,” The nurse mumbled to herself. “You’ll find her down the hall, last door on the right.”

I nodded in thanks, and made my way to the designated room. The door was open, and at the desk typing away was an old woman who looked well past the age for retirement.


“Dr. de Marco?” She said when she finally looked up at me.


“I knew it! I could tell by your eyes,” She said, as though it was the most surest thing in the world. “Come now, sit.”

Margaret motioned for me to sit in one of the uncomfortable looking wooden chairs. I sighed, but sat down anyway.

“My name is Margaret Jones, but please, just call me Margaret. Everyone does.”


“Yeah, well, hello Margaret. Can you please explain to me why I just had to drive two hours from Bridgeport to Moonlight Falls?”

Margaret looked dazed, as though she had almost forgotten. “Oh, yes. Well, I’m a family social worker for this lovely town. Have been for, well, I’ve forgotten how many years, but it’s been a while.”

“And why do I need to meet with a family social worker?”


“Before I answer your question, Dr. de Marco, you’ll have to answer some for me.”

I leaned back in my chair. “Fine.”

“Good boy. Now, you do know a woman named Jessica Witman, yes?”


“Have you ever engaged in sexual relations with this woman?”



“How long has it been since you last saw her?”

“Almost a year.”

“Were you aware that she was just arrested a few days ago?”


“Jessica arrested?” I asked, my eyes wide with shock. I knew she was crazy, but I didn’t think she was that crazy.

“Yes, with charges of  stalking, theft, along with breaking and entering on multiple accounts.”

“Wow,” I said, unsure of how to respond.


“Did you know that Ms. Witman was pregnant until fours months ago?”

Upon hearing this, I gripped the sides of my uncomfortable chair. Jessica…Pregnant? She couldn’t have possibly been pregnant. She-She always told me she was taking her birth control medicine. Unless, she lied to me.


“And-And who is registered as the baby’s father?”

“Dr. de Marco, I think we both know the answer to that,” Margaret said. The room suddenly began to shrink, and I was helpless to do anything to stop it.

“Since Jessica is currently charged with such numerous crimes, it was decided that she wasn’t capable of holding custody of the boys.”



“Twins, Dr. de Marco.” Twins. I have twin sons. 

“As I was saying, she has no living relatives, and the only option besides you would be foster care, and we prefer not to do that unless there as simply no other options.”

“There’s got to be a mistake! I don’t have…have sons!”

“When I told you I could recognize you by your eyes, Dr. de Marco, I wasn’t kidding. One of your sons’ has them.”


“I can’t be father,” I whispered. Margaret looked at me sympathetically, and walked over towards me.

“Would you at least like to see them?” I didn’t say anything, but nodded in response. She smiled and began leading me to where my sons were being kept.


We arrived in a room that had many cribs, though only two were being occupied. Margaret stayed by the door, but motioned for me to walk forwards.


The first crib held a boy with my hair and my eyes. Those damn de Marco genes just refused to submit. He looked up at me and smiled. I forced a smile back.



The other crib held another boy with the same brown hair, though his eyes were ice blue like Jessica’s. Like his brother, he smiled at me.

“How long until they can be released to leave with me,” I said without taking my attention away from the cribs.

“It shouldn’t take long at all,” Margaret said, her voice growing closer with each step she took towards me. “The one with your eyes is named Gray, and the one with the blue eyes is named Jaden.”

Gray and Jaden. My sons.

Arriving home with two children on my hip was a rather awkward affair. I’d had to stay in Moonlight Falls a few days, while all the paperwork was put in order, and I’d had no less than twenty calls from Paxton demanding I tell her exactly when I was coming home. She’d sounded frazzled, as she’d never been left alone with Noah for so long. Of course, once I told her why I was in Moonlight Falls, she flipped out entirely.

“How do you even know they’re your’s?” She demanded. I held the phone silently for a few minutes.

“I just do,” I said, and Paxton didn’t say another word of doubt again.


As soon as we were home, I put my boys in the two cribs I had asked Paxton to buy before I arrived home. They fell asleep instantly, barely giving Paxton anytime to get a good glance at them.


“You know, I never saw this coming for either of us,” Paxton said as we both flopped onto the couch in exhaustion.

“Being a single father at 26 didn’t exactly make it onto the list of things I wanted to do when I grew up.”

“Neither did being a single mother at 28. Do you love them RJ?”


I looked into the golden eyes that matched my own. “I haven’t even known them a week, and I know that I would give my life for them if had to.”

Paxton smiled. “That’s how I feel about Noah.”

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying each other’s company.

“Oh, a girl named Jane called while you were gone.” Paxton whispered, breaking our silence.

I tried to keep my voice calm, but, in reality, I felt jittery. “And.”


“And she said she would be, how did she put it, oh wait. She said she’d be delighted, and that they’d meet you there. Delighted about?”

“I asked her and her brother to celebrate Christmas with us at Archer’s house.” Paxton narrowed her eyes, and a smirk made it’s way onto her face.

“So you invited a girl to meet the family?” She asked, hinting at something more than an innocent get together.


“It’s not like that, Pax. They lost their father a few months ago, and I didn’t want them to spend Christmas alone.”

“Uh huh. So you like her, and didn’t want her to be alone?” Paxton asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. I rolled my eyes at my sister, ready to be done with the conversation.

“Yes-No-I don’t know. I just know that her brother’s one of my favorite patients. He’s a good kid.”


“Okay,” Paxton said, feigning defeat, though anyone with sense could tell that didn’t believe a word I was saying.

“Besides, with the talk of family get togethers, shouldn’t you have called Mom and Dad by now. It’s been months,” I started, killing two birds with one stone in the process: Changing the subject, and convincing her to call them.

Paxton looked down at her lap. “It’s not the right time.”

“When will be the right time?” I asked softly.


If Archer freaked out the first time he saw my pregnant sister, then he must have had an internal nuclear explosion when he saw me walk in on Christmas Day with the twins.


I sat them both down on the floor as Archer made his way, quickly, over towards me. Paxton was behind me, though she continued to hold Noah.


“RJ,” He whispered harshly. “Why in the hell do you have two children?”

“They’re my sons.”

His blue eyes grew wide. “Really? Now? Had I known I wouldn’t have invited-”


He never got to finish, though, as a shocked gasp stopped him cold. I looked towards the source of the gasp and saw my mother standing frozen, her gray eyes large.

“Paxton?” She asked, walking slowly towards my sister. My father suddenly walked into the room.

“Cora? Where are-,” He stopped dead. His face utter shock and disbelief at the sight of my sister, who my parents hadn’t seen in 10 years.



Paxton was silent as our parents stared, though tears began to roll down her face. “I messed up.”

I thought my parents were going to fall down in tears right then, but they didn’t. Instead, they rushed towards her, and threw their arms around her and Noah. All three of them were mass of tears, save for Noah who looked around the house, dazed. I heard only mutters of “I’m sorry” from all three of them.


I felt a pressure on my leg, and looked down to see that Jaden had crawled towards me, and was demanding my attention. I scooped up my son, and held him close.

They broke away from their embrace, and it seemed that a cloud that I hadn’t even notice hung over Paxton was lifted.


“Who’s this?” My mom asked, running her fingers over Noah’s cheeks.  Paxton looked at her yellow-eyed son and smiled.

“His name’s Noah.” My mom smiled, and, surprisingly, so did my dad. I looked around for Gray, and finally found him crawling towards Mom.  She looked down into his golden eyes in surprise, though she picked him up just the same.


“And who are you?” She asked in childlike voice. I walked over towards them, and finally made my presence well known.

“His name’s Gray. He’s my son.”

She looked at him once again, this time seeing him differently. She rubbed his thick, brown hair. My father stayed silent, staring at his grandsons in shock.


“And this,” He finally asked after a while, indicating the boy in my arms.

“This is Jaden.”

“They look like you,” My dad said. I gave him a lopsided smile.


“At least we know they’ll be handsome.” I said jokingly. My dad rolled his eyes, but I could tell that he was happy. Our broken family had been brought together.


I suddenly heard a shriek of a child’s laughter, and I looked to see my mother tickling Gray. Really, you’d think all this smiling I had been doing would make my mouth sore, which it did. But it was a good sore.

“RJ!’ I heard a scream, and looked to see Kaylee and James, who had hit a large growth spurt in a short amount of time, running towards me. They stopped once they made it to me.


“Woah,” Kaylee said in awe. “You multiplied.”

The room was filled with laughter,  even all the toddlers laughed, though they weren’t sure why they were laughing.

The door bell rang, and Kaylee’s eye lit up in joy. “It’s Jake!”


She ran towards the door, and opened it to reveal Jake with Jane in tow. Kaylee grabbed Jake, and pulled him towards the direction of the playroom to show all the toys she’d gotten for Christmas, with James struggling to catch up.


Jane stood frazzled in front of the door. I walked over towards her, still holding Jaden in my arms. “Jane, I’m glad you could make it.”

She smiled softly at me, though her eyes never left Jaden. “So am I.  Who’s this?”


I looked down at my blue eyed son. “This is Jaden. He’s my son.”

Jane took a double take. “I-I didn’t know you had a son.”

“I didn’t know either until a few days ago. Sons, actually. The boy with brown hair over there is mine too. His name’s Gray.”


Jane looked at Jaden once more, trying to remain calm, though I could tell she was nervous. “And what about their mother?”

“Out of the picture,” I replied nonchalantly. Jane seemed to perk up at the news, though she quickly tried to hide it.


“Dinner’s ready!” Sora called, emerging from the kitchen with Emma on her hip.


After dinner, we had all managed to gather in living room. The children played with their toys.


Emma and Noah became quick friends , leaving Paxton a moment of rest.


Gray bounced between both his grandparents, babbling to them nonsense of a toddler, though they babbled right back to him. It was honestly a sight to see, my dad babbling to a baby.


Jaden refused to leave my side. Though I hadn’t know them long, their personalities began to show. Gray and Jaden weren’t that different, the only difference being that Gray was very social, while Jaden chose to hang in the background around people he knew.

Jane made her way over to me. “Do you think he’ll let me hold him?”

I looked down at Jaden, who gripped my shirt tightly. “He might, though I can’t give you a certain answer.”

Jane nodded, and began talking to Jaden in my arms. He looked at her with distrust at first, but slowly began to grow comfortable in her presence. Finally, Jane grew confident, and motion for Jaden to come to her with her hands. He looked at them for a few moments, but loosened his grip on my shirt and made his way towards Jane.


Jane grabbed him happily, and tickled him, making him laugh. She laughed as well, and I noticed how beautiful she looked when she laughed. I also realized at that moment I was doomed.

“RJ,” Someone said beside me. I looked over to see Paxton. “Can I talk to you for a minute.”


I nodded. and turned to Jane. ” Will you be fine holding him for a few minutes.”

Jane gave me a look, and rolled her eyes. “How couldn’t I?”

I smiled, and let Paxton drag me over to an empty corner.


“RJ, I think I’m going to move back in with Mom and Dad, along with Noah, of course. ” Paxton said, smiling happily.

“I think that’s great,” I said, and truly meant it.

“I’m just telling you because, you have the twins now, and I’m not gonna be there to help you with them.” Oh. I didn’t reply right away, which Paxton took as me disagreeing with her idea.

“I mean, I don’t have to. I can-”


“No,” I cut her off. “No, I’ll figure out something.”

“I was actually thinking you could ask her to watch them,” Paxton said, nodding towards Jane.

“That’s not a bad idea.”


“Besides, this would give you the chance to see her more often.”

I glared at my sister, even though the idea was appealing. I was sure that there wasn’t anyone that would take better care of them than her.

“You know, I might just miss you,” I said, causing Paxton to smile.

“I might even miss you too, Little Brother.”

Paxton and I talked for a little longer, discussing plans of how she was going to move out and when. After that, I made my way back to Jane, who still held a yawning Jaden.


“I think you’ve tired him out,” I said jokingly. Jane looked up at me and smiled.

“Just a little. He’s such a doll though, RJ.”

“You know, you could see him and Gray more often, I mean, if you’d like.” She looked at me with interest and in confusion, he eyebrows furrowed.


“Paxton’s moving back in with my parents, and I work a lot, and I’m just not sure about asking someone I don’t know to watch them.”


“Do you mean you’d want me to watch them?”

“Yeah, I mean, I would pay, seeing as it would be a full time job to keep up with them.”

Jane looked thoughtful for a few moments. She finally nodded after a while, and had a large smile on her face.


“I’d love to.”


“Hey, de Marco’s! Pose for a family picture,” Sora called.

“Okay. Scoot in a little. Ready! 1, 2, 3! Merry Christmas!”


“Merry Christmas!”


AN: I love the twins! Those de Marco genes just refuse to die. Of course, I’ve grown really fond of their golden eyes, so I’m not complaining. I just love how Elijah’s genetics continue to make an impact, along with Talia’s blond hair. Really though, if you think about it, Paxton and RJ look more like Elijah and Talia’s children more than anything. Merry Christmas y’all! 

Twin Spam:



Remember: Gray = Gold eyes Jaden = Blue eyes

I know, it’s sounds like it should be different, especially since when I think of the name Jaden, I think of this lovely Yugioh character:


Happy Simming!