Generation 4: Chapter 2

I awoke with large pain in my head, as though it had been stuffed with cotton. The soft velvet under me indicated that I was on a bed. I slowly sat up, ignoring the growing pain in my head.

I looked down to discover that I was wearing a blue dress with an apron attached. It was then I caught a large strand of hair. I pulled it, and discovered that it was, in fact, attached to my head.


But it was blonde. I pulled all my hair forward, and discovered that it was all a beach blonde color, and no longer the beautiful, crimson hair of my mother. Suddenly, I felt hair on my forehead that felt foreign. I lifted my hand up to discover that, along with dying my hair, some one had cut it as well. My beautiful long, red hair.

I looked around the room frantically. It seemed elegant, like the room of some kind of queen or something. I finally found something useful: A mirror.


I quickly got up from the bed and ran towards the mirror to assess the damage. But it wasn’t with my eyes that I looked. I discovered that my  gold eyes had been covered by pale blue contacts. The contacts didn’t look real, but more like the glass eyes of a doll.


Tears began to roll down my face, and I began to shake. I wanted to go home. I looked around the room once more, and finally found a door. I ran as quickly as I could, and began to jiggle the doorknob, hoping that it might open.

Suddenly, I heard a key get placed into the lock. I jumped back as though I had been burned by fire.


The doors swung open, and I was greeted by the sight of a very attractive man who looked very excited to see me,

“Alice! You’re awake!” He exclaimed, his voice giddy.

“My name’s Grace,” I replied back defiantly. I’d been stripped of my hair, my clothes, and my eyes. I was not going to be stripped of my name.

“Alice, my dear, what has gotten into you?” He asked, looking at me in a very concerned manner.

“My name is Grace de Marco,” I spat once again. The man’s giddy aura suddenly turned black and cold. He swiftly grabbed me by the neck.

“No, Love. Your name is Alice Liddell.” He spoke harshly, the grip on my neck tightening so that I couldn’t even reply. “You’ll do well to remember that.”


He finally let go of my neck, and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath. I could still fell his cold hands around my neck, though.

“Why am I here?” I finally managed to choke out. The man made a ‘tsk’ noise.

“Really Alice, you’re becoming very forgetful these days. Don’t you remember?You feel  down a rabbit hole.”

A rabbit hole?  Was this man saying he thought I was Alice from Alice in Wonderland?

“I don’t recall any rabbit holes.”

“You must’ve hit your head on the way down, Love,” He said, helping me to my feet. I flinched from his touch, but that only made him tighten his hold.


“I must have, sir,” I replied, deciding it was better to play his game. The man seemed delighted to hear me say that, because he let go of me, and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

“Don’t call me ‘sir’, silly girl. Don’t you remember who I am?”

“I’m afraid that fall must’ve done something to my head,” I answered. The man looked worried for a moment, but regained his increasingly creepy smile.

“That’s quite alright, Love. You’ve had a trying day. My name is Alfred Kingsleigh,” The man, Alfred, said. He then proceeded to bow, leaving me baffled and completely questioning the sanity of this man.

“A-A pleasure to meet you, Alfred,” I said.

Alfred regained his true height, and looked at me with interest. “You know Alice, I don’t think you’re ready to meet you friends yet.”


“My friends?”

“Yes, but you’re not Alice enough yet.”

“But I am Alice,” I am Grace. “How can I not be Alice enough?”

“You might be Alice, Love. But you don’t believe you are Alice.” He regarded me for a few moments.


“Aha! I know! You know, I like to wait a while before it gets this bad, but you, Alice, are special, and we mustn’t waste any time with you.” Alfred grabbed my hand. “Come Love. I’ll make you remember who you are.”

AN: I imagine you’re just as confused as Grace…Brilliant. 

4 thoughts on “Generation 4: Chapter 2”

  1. I knew it was alice in wonderland as soon as I saw the blue and apron on my dashboard (reader), and I wondered how it tied it. I wonder though if this is a sort to stripped Grace from Grace and maybe return her as a different person who is under the control of them. But this is pretty twisted.

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