New Story

I have good news and I have bad news.

Bad news first: I was finally able to restore my game. Sadly, most of my content was deleted so I am forced to discontinue the de Marco Legacy. Perhaps one day I will be able to restore it, but for now it is cancelled. If anyone would like to know how Grace’s generation was supposed to end, I will later post a short summary.

Good News: I have started a new story. This story is not a legacy and is instead a historical drama:


“Whispers in Secret”

Chapter 1

If anyone is interested in reading, I have included the link. Support would be amazing! I’m so thankful for all the readers I had, and hopefully will be able to interact with you guys once more. Please bear with the website, as I am still in the building process. I am very excited for this story! Thank you guys so much for everything.